How to be a dedicated vegetarian?!

Question: I've consumed way too much meat that I even got myself sensitive skin and other symptoms now. Been wanting to be a dedicated vegetarian but I would always somehow get back to meat again and again. Not a religious person here, so how can I help myself?
Change your lifestyle slowly. Opt for vegetarian foods. Once you remove meat completely out of your system, you wont miss it.

Other Answers:
Try to avoid passing a fast food place.
Burn down your local McDonald's!
Eat only vegetables, and no meat what so ever!
don't eat meat.

no one's forcing you to put meat in your mouth. no one's forcing you to give in to cravings. will power!
Did you ever think if you keep going back to it your body needs it for something. I only eat meat when my body craves it , which is always right before my cycle starts.

I think some people need meat and some don't.
People get addicted to fat. Maybe you are just craving fatty foods. Try eating some greasy french fries (I know,they are about as healthy as meat). Then gradually cut down on fats.
well, for the first couple of months try your best to stay away from fast food, and 5 star restaurants. both are guarenteed to ruin your dedication. try your hardest to stay home and cook. if you make it, you can monitor what goes in it. also start shopping at trader joes or whole foods. remember being vegetarian dosn't mean just eating fruits and veggies, you can steal eat, soy or tofu products. they are not that bad. good luck.


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