Do you argue for or against this comment: cigarette advertising should be baned.!

I think it should be banned. There's enough advertising out there as it is. A lot of people smoke. Anyone who sees it on tv or in magazines, have probably already seen someone light a cigarette up. What does the advertising do? It makes smoking look "cool". There's nothing cool about it. It hurts you, and ultimately it hurts the people who care about you. Not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer, but why chance it? I think that a lot of young children look at these advertisings and think that smoking must be an okay thing to do. Or atleast try. When people out in public smoke, it doesn't look very appealing. Tv and magazines MAKE it look appealing. It's disgusting, bad for your health, and makes you smell horrible! What's so great about that? Kids are going to do whatever they feel like doing, but it's our role as an adult to try not to promote such a behavior. Let them make their own minds up on whether they think it's cool or not. That's what I think.

Other Answers:
I think that cigarette advertising should not be banned. I lived in North Yorkshire as a child/teenager and never even saw an advert as the only magazines I saw were Jackie, Mandy etc. and I never looked at newspapers..yet I smoke and have done for years. Booze kills more people and destroys more lives than cigarettes ever will, but they don't ban booze adverts, do they. If people are going to smoke they will smoke, regardless of adverts. If they want to ban smoking altogether they should ban cigarettes.
My Brain
I am for the argument that cigarettes should not be advertised! Too many people have already died from smoking.Dont try to recruit more.
It should be banned. Smoking should be banned. We have known for decades the dangers of tobacco in every form. Advertising only give credibility to the tobacco industry and helps them reach new victims.

Also, tobacco kills far more people than alcohol. Liver disease and accidents combined don't come close to the number of victims of lung cancer, emphysema and heart disease directly attributable to smoking. Throw in smokeless tobacco and the rates of morbidity are epidemic.

Commerical advertising does not enjoy the same protection of the 1st Amendment in the U.S,. because it is not Representative of the individuals right to express themselves. It is a profit motive by a company, thus a city can pass a law that a porn shop can't advertise its wares in public, etc. In most states it is illegal to advertise alcohol or tobacco within a certain distance of schools.

On U.S. broadcast television had liquor advertising was voluntarily abandoned over 35 years ago in the public interest.
IT should not be banned, its freedom of speech, I own stock in tobacco company, and as long as the states make it clear that they are not paying to keep the victims of smoking alive they should be able to advertise and sell this legal product.
i would not ban them if the tobacco companies did not deceit people by adding more additive substance as well as poisonous chemical in them. no diff from a drug dealer trying to sell you cocaine/carack knowing you will be addicted and keep craving for more..
Cigarettes should be banned, period.
i don't think they should be banned completely, but i don't think they should be allowed to advertise in stores or on backs of magazines.
i think that all drugs should be legalize would reduce drug use because some kids start doing it only to rebel or because they want to portray the image that society puts on people who do drugs.
get rid of the taboo and you'll stop a lot of drug users. same with cigarettes. kids start smoking because they want to look "bad"
I think they should ban cigarette advertising because try to make it look cool to the young kids that smoking is cool to do its bad enough that people smoke and why advertise every time you go to a convience store you see them they should advertise cancer right next to them
They are already banned on TV in the USA and come to think of it I have not seen any on magazines! Since the smoking population in this country has diminished. As for Alcohol well that is a different issue.
You cannot ban something because it is harmful. We live in America. People have to be free to make their own choices. Spend your time educating people on the harmfulness of cigarettes, but you cannot take away their freedom to choose.


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