is it better to bleach my face hair?!

Question: i have warm golden skin and i wanted to know if its better to bleach my peach fuss since its very light.
I dont think you should bleach it, although alot of people do, I advise you not to. You say you have warm golden skin, when you bleach the hair there could be some side effects. For example, the bleach could lighten the skin where the hair is at, causing major drama. Also, the hair could turn the hair you were trying to lighten a color thats even more noticable. You should not try it. Now if you had a more pale skin color it might work, but with golden skin, there are too many mistakes that could be made.

Never shave hair on your face either. Shaving on the face just makes the hair grow back darker, coarser, and there will be more of it. Shaving on the face often leads to discoloration of the skin.

It would be best to use a cream thats made to take hair off thats on the face. My mom uses a cream by avon that works great. Its a facial hair removal pen and all you do is apply it and the hair is gone. They have many creams that are effective in clearing away the hair and keeping it away for a while. Heres the link if you want to view them and get more information

Other Answers:
just remove it, some people don't like facial hair,
putting bleach on your face can damage the skin besides the lining of your nose. just shave it off gently
as opposed to ?
Bleaching facial hair is no good. Maybe good for arms but as for facial hair I recommend to get what's possible on wax.
Never, ever shave it! Waxing might hurt the first couple times but the hair comes back much finer and less noticeable. Bleaching will make it lighter but if you get a tan it is more noticeable. Waxing is fast, easy, and the best option I've found. If you shave you cut each small hair there and then you will grow stubble. Don't ever do that. If you don't want to wax use a cream like Nair or something. It can burn your skin but I found that putting a small layer of Vaseline on it first keeps it from burning at all.


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