What does staph infection look like please help I think I have staph but is afra!

Go to the doctor but in the meantime get medical grade tea tree oil and apply to the infection. It is not as good as the Melaleuca oil (from Melaleuca the company) but it will help for now. My son had MRSA (Golden Staph) and it was the only thing that got rid of it after 3 months in the hospital.

Other Answers:
Redness and swelling.
If you think you have one GO TO THE DOCTOR. Staph infections can kill you, and will kill you. They are quite serious.
if u are too scared to go to the doc to get it checked.. u die. staph is NOTHING TO PLAY WITH.
if you think you have one go to the dr asap. if you let something like that go it can be very bad news
Everyone is right! why be afraid to go to the doctor? Staph is not an STI or STD? it is a really contagious infection that can be fatal. Sometimes it is raised red bumps, sometimes looks like pimples, sometimes looks like a boil, often hurts very much. Hurry and see the doctor right now.
Family members have had staph. And co-workers.
I know that when I had staph on my face it looked like pimples, but with more puss than an average white head. At first it didn't bother me so much, then it started spreading, burning and itching. They mis-diagnosed me with herpes complex one of the face. After two weeks of pain and no results with antiviral meds, they tested and found that it was staph. By the time I used antibotics and it finally cleared, some of the infection had damaged my skin, actually ate through it. I have to get chemical peels to fix the damage (it just looks like i have huge pores). It could have killed me, don't screw around see a doctor. I had another infection on my face recently, doctor states that I am more supceptible to it now. If you work out at a gym use a towel EVERY time you lay on a mat or bench, and wear weightlifting gloves. also wash your hands immediatley after your workout. Thats' how I contracted staph on my face, BOTH times (I go to a very clean gym too, scary huh?)


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