What are the consequences caused by Attention Deficit Disorder?!

They now use ADHD or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder instead of the old ADD terminology. If you take the H or hyperactivity out, ADD is having problems with attention and impulsivity.
The consequences of untreated ADD depend on age and what you do. For a young child, sitting still in school and paying attention to teacher talking is a problem and bad grades would be the cosequence. Children with ADD who don't take medication to correct the problem will struggle with basic subjects throughout their lives not because they are not smart enough but because they just miss out on everything around them.
For adults, the problems are different. Forgetfullness, distractability, and inability to focus can cause problems with job performance, relationships, etc.

Other Answers:
Buy and read a book entitled "Driven to Distraction"
I have ADD
i don't know what you mean by this question but my son has ADD and it's a hard thing to have..can't sit still, can't pay attention..can't focus on anything..doc. told me he is seven years old but has the attention span of a two year old..people look at me like i've done something wrong but it's no me..just something people are born with and you have to be patient...
alot if you ask me. it keeps kids from learning and if left with no real help they become adults with a middleshcool education and no body wants to help you when you are over 18 all the courses are rarely hands on they usualy just give you the work like you knew it in the first place. i am no doctor but i know that the people with this disorder need help to overcome it and learn what they need to know to get an education cause they cant pay attention to learn. it just dont register as easily. they are not dumb just challenged and i dont mean mentally retarted either.


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