Do you hate hickies as much as I do?!

Question: My husband seems to like giving them to me, "accidently".but I hate them. They seem trashy to me. Do you like them? When he starts kissing my neck, I always have to warn him not to give me any.
They are trashy, and yet we have the desire to give them. Must be some sort of muted vengance thing.

Other Answers:
they are as trashy and as cheep as you think they are..

My husband tried that crap with me.I felt like a little kid in highschool.
I know, I hate them too, very trashy. i think some people wear them w/ pride and its disgusting!
depends on where there at
yep/same here/but theres a solution use a comb and strart combing the spot where the hickies is..itll go away
Hate them.. A good way to get them to fade quicker is to put toothpaste on it when you go to bed. so the next time your husband accidentally does it try the toothpaste method it should help them fade quicker than they normally would
nope. in middle school and high school, it gets u popular. peoplewould give themselves hickies if they could reach
I don't hate them. When you go to school like me, it's like.Hey! I'm taken!

Actually, I don't like them. They make you really self-concious (spelling?)
i LOVE them. they're sexy. depending on where guys put them. personally when i was into that stuff (i'm waiting till marriage now) i adored them on my back and stomach. it's sexyyyy. :) if small ones are in plain sight it's fine. but not a ton. the ton of them go under my clothes. :)
I cant stand to see them on a guy much less a women it makes her look like trash and if people like hickies I think they wshould have them in a place where noone can see them the whole world doesnt have to know you had sex lastnight
Tell him to stop because it bothers you. I have a husband too and sometimes he fools around like that, anyhow talk to him. :)
i agree i hate those things they are so gross it makes me want to stay home and hide intill they go away


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