is diabetes treatable?!

It really depends. There are several types of diabetes. including type 1 ( body fails to produce insulin) and type 2 (body fails to properly use insulin). I think that if you have type 1 diabetes, you need insulin injection or therapy. I am not sure though if its is curable. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented. Proper diet and exercise will help you prevent the disease. If you already have type 2 diabetes, there are some medications that could help lower your blood sugar. For a more in-depth explanation of the disease. Visit the website below.

Other Answers:
Fortunately yes. Treatment depends on the type of diabetes.
In type I diet and insulin is needed, in type II diet and drugs. The aim of treatment is to maintain the sugar blood level close to normal and to prevent late complications (blindness, kidney disease, neuropathy)
Absolutely, but you have to provide the discipline for it to work. That is the hard part.

If your medical plan covers a diabetes educator, please go see one. If it doesn't, seeing one is a good investment in your health.
If you keep your blood sugar in line, you greatly lesson the chance of the many complications that ussually go along with diabetes.
es if it is type one thru inslin if it is type 2 three ways that the drs will try u on at first

1) diet and exercess
if that dont work u go to step

2) pills they have all kinds and u may get 3 or 4 kinds at the end if one dont work

3)inslin shots chould range from 1 to 4 a day depending on how bad your leves r
my life
Good Afternoon,

This is a question that comes up on message boards all over the place. Check out some natural remedies. I use naturalpharmacy online and have included the link below!
It is indeed.
Type 1 uses insulin through injections or insulin pumps.
Type 2 can usually control their bloodsugars using pills, or even just having a better diet w/ more exercise in their life.


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