how to stop bedwetting during night time?!

If it is an adult, consult your doc. It could be a sign of a more serious problem. For children,do not have them drink at least 2 hrs before bed, and make sure they empty bladder completely before getting into bed for the night.

Other Answers:
Sleep during the day.
go to the bathroom before you go to bed
Pee before going to bed and stop drinking fluids 3 hours before bedtime.
dont drink alot water
sleep during the day
no idea. how old are you? you should see a doctor.
Set an alarm at the approximate time the bedwetting occurs.
I'm a camp counselor and have spent long summers in pee-infested cabins.
my little sister has this problem and growing up a friend had it.its somethin that is eventually outgrown.nothin you can really do about it.except like no drinking or eating like 2 hours before going to bed and my little sister wears a pull up diaper thing.good luck
Just pee before you sleep and try not to dream about toilets or anything as such
sleep with a prostitute
Don't drink water about an hour before bed and go right before yougo to bed.
stop eveningdrinking!
Make sure you go to the bathroom before you go to sleep if that does not work get those huge diapers.
See a doctor. You may have a correctable problem. Undersized bladder maybe.
bedwet during the day
Put the night before sheet around you and run around the neighborhood with your soiled sheet, That'll do it
either get an alarm,they cost 1-2 hundred dollars,or get up in the middle of the knight and take the child to the gotta get involved.if you keep them on pull ups they can't feel themselves getting wet.
First how old is the person bedwetting. Is this something that just accured recently or is there a history then I will give you the best answer.
some things to try: use the restroom before going to bed, stop drinking milk (for a short amount of time to see if that is the case (allergies)). Alot of times it cannot be corrected until the child's bladder is large enough to hold the amount of water that they drink for 8 hours. It could be that the child is sleeping too heavily and may not wake up when they need to. Just make sure that you dont make the child feel bad about it, it is not their fault.
I assume that we are talking to an adult. and if that is the case you MD will be able to help.
well I am not really sure because my son wets the bed and we can not stop it sometimes we do not give him any water or beveragas during the night and sometimes it works?
reduce intake of water, wake up by alarm and go as prevention and see a dr to rule out problems .
to add extra grossness i know adults who drink alcohol and can't control it they are out and end up in a puddle
My little brother used to have this problem, you could stop drinking liquids after dinner or after a certina time, then go to the bathroom before bed then have someone wake that person up or set an alarm for them to wake up and go sometime in the middle of the night
if nothing is helping see a doctor because there could be an underlying medical problem
or it could just be lots of stress
don't drink water or any fluids and if u do pee before u go to bed and where a diaper like depends and/or put those pads that go on top of the bed on your bed i just forgot wat their called
peace out hommie good lick wit that peeing prob
pee before sleeping and no drinking liquids before going to sleep.


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