What do you think of somatic experiencing therapy?!

Question: What is it good for?
What is it not good for?
How does it compare to other methods?
Somatic Experiencing is for people who have suffered trauma. The broad scope of traumatic life events can include accidents, abuse, birth trauma, illness, medical trauma, natural disasters, and violence. Somatic Experiencing addresses how the human triune brain (made up of the Neocortex, Limbic System, and Primitive Brain), functions in a complex, highly interconnected network to handle the experience of traumatic events. This therapy allows individuals to reinstate at a nervous system and muscular level the instinctual defensive and orientating responses lost or truncated through trauma.

here is a good first hand patient account of this type of work:

The procedure, which is normally done in a face-to-face session similar to psychotherapy, involves a client tracking his or her own felt-sense experience, much as is done in Eugene Gendlin's Focusing. Pracitioners of Somatic Experiencing are often also psychotherapists, Rolfers or BodyWorkers.

Other Answers:
It is interesting and probablly very useful for people with post traumatic stress disorder, or other mental and physical trauma-related health problems. It may not be good for someone in need of immediate emergency care because it works over a succession of pendulative times. Each experience hopefully releasing some tension in the body that hopefully will return the autonomic nervous system into a balanced state.


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