Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?!

I noticed that I did that, and now I don't.

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There is a perfectly sound physiological reason for this-
As a person raises his or her chin, the muscles in the neck (and vocal chords) begin to strain.
So the mouth is opened to releive strain on the neck.
The reason the neck is craned is because of the delicacy of the operation- applying mascara brings a little wirey brush perilously close to the eyes. Not a good time to make mistakes.
And that's why people open thier mouths when they apply mascara, and eye makeup in general.
i have no clue. i do not wear it.
I can!
it's easier not to get ot all over the place weird i know but i find it is

u try it!
just causejust happens
women just aren't that smart.
can you shave with you mouth closed? honestly i dont know, i cant feed a child with a spoon without opening my mouth either..maybe it pulls our face skin more taught so we dont make a mess.
i can..not all women have 2 open their mouths.i never have and never will
hey i can do that its so e-z but its all the preppys who do that!
its a habit i guess. whenever we put anything on our face we do. i guess we feel if we open our mouths we'll do it perfectly lol
helps the aim and concentration. try it sometime
HA HA HA HA HA I don't wear make up and never have. God blessed me with natural beauty.
That's funny.
I'm not sure why I guess it helps their coordination. I don't wear it.
You can open your eyes wider and lift up the upper lid when your mouth is open.
they can
lol. thats a good question. pmsl.....

why do men always play or scratch their balls?
because it opens your eyes wider and gives you less chance of hitting your eyeball!
i dont open my mouth and put mascara on so i can be positive but I think it makes stetches your face and makes it easier to get the lashes rather then your face
I,don't know maybe it is the same as a man couldn't pick up a chair,with his butt against the wall,heels against the wall,bend over and try and pick the chair up,lifting up to the chest,because he will fall over,but a girl can do it every time.
i dont know. i learned how to put on my make-up by watching my mom when i was little. she use to open her mouth too. i guess we do it because we can't really breath through our nose easily so our mouth is open so we can breath. thats the only reason i can think of
watching myself put make-up on in the mirror
its hard imead hey . more power to ya
Some can put it on with their mouths closed, and some can't.
But I wouldn't know beacuse I have only put it on a few times before, and I wasn't really paying attention to my mouth.
We can, but it's easier to put it on with our mouths open. When you open your mouth, it stretches the skin around the eyes and the cheekbones, which helps spread the eyelashes. Try doing that in front of the mirror.you'll see.
I'm a chick.and my friends apply my makeup all the time.
We can, but it's easier to keep your eyes open if your mouth is open. Really.they're connected somehow and there have been studies. So, it's possible, but women tend to naturally open their mouths becuase then it's easier to keep their eyes open.
When most people relax, their mouth is at least slightly open. When women put on make-up, it helps to relax. Therefore, they have their mouth a little bit open.
its sorta like a magnets in the mascara that when you brush up your mouth follows its the natural way of things.
lol.something natural.it kinda tightens your face and makes it eaiser to apply
i always put it on with my mouth closed but im not sure why some women open their mouths
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