I need to know if i might be pchizophrenic?!

Question: Ok, my grandmother was psychizophrenic-paranoid. I am not thinking people are after me, but I do think i might halluciante. Since I was twelve years old i pretend i am talking to someone who is not there. IT is like role playing, I carry on conversations with them and kind of an actual life. I change them all the time too and tehy are always personas i get from off of television. Am i psychizophrenic because i talk to people who arent there. But the thing is i know they arent real and when i dont talk to them for a while i miss them. But it is not like they talk to me, i talk to them and i make up what they answer back-like roleplaying. So is that actually halluciantig or is that just role playing. I am really worried because i dont want to turn into my grandma.
Please help
If I were in your situation I would go seek the help of a psychiatrist who can correctly hear your story and diagnose you. Schizophrenia can come in different forms. One form being auditory hallucinations. You say that they "don't talk to you," however, so I don't really know if that is considered an hallucination.

I think that you could start researching the disease by going to http://www.schizophrenia.com/ . This might help you learn a little about the disease.

Other Answers:
***** U CRAZY!!
Have you asked yourself this question?

If so, did you answer yourself?

If so..yes.
Just the fact that you're asking increases the odds that you are.
No. You NEED to learn how to spell.
1- tell your parents
2- See a doctor.
go see a doctor. it's better to get it diagnosed early. they can help stop it from getting worse if you reallly do have it.
contact experts - and do not try to do that online !
i really dont believe u are i do the same thing. Are you an only child? i am and i find myself talking to my reflection for hours on end. i have no idea why. if i knew more i could probably help more. email me if you want metalx23xmad@yahoo.com
It's difficult to diagnose someone over the internet. If you are truly worried, make an appointment with a psychiatrist to get a full diagnosis. It doesn't sound like schizophrenia, but please see a professional to be sure.

We're just folks online. Professional psychiatrists spend years studying how to diagnose and treat mental issues. There's nothing wrong with seeing a psychiatrist.
don't send so much time alone I think you may just be lonely
Well, I wouldnt exactly say you are schitz, but im not a phyciatrist either. You should go to one and have him evaluate you, if he feels you need treatments,there are things that can help, but dont cure, schitzophrenia. It sounds like you understand what you are doing, thats a good sign, you have a logic to it, something schitz people dont have. Good luck.
consult a shrink but I also suggest you learn to spell the word too. IF you think you hallucinate then your probably on some bad dope thinking and doing are not the same lmao.. I think your dopes gone bad .. change dealers.. Man your just so whacked its not real try a mental health clinic and a good spell checker then let us know what you diagnosis is.
see a doctor..
Maybe those are the only REAL people. Maybe the rest of the world is false. Did you ever see the Matrix.
No, I don't think you are. But you do seem to have issues. You should probably see a psychiatrist to help you with it.
only sane people question their sanity. Generally, "insane people" are abolutely sure they're sane.
my life my familyAnd if anyone has ever been crazy, they are!)

email me at mkphilip21@yahoo.com


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