Why do some people choose to be vegeterian?!

Question: Do you think it is because they don't like the taste of meat, or for the health sake?
A variety of reasons.

Health reasons are top of the list.
Environmental reasons, concern for the lives of animals, economic reasons are others.

I love steak and chicken, but I pretty much eat a vegetarian diet for health reasons and for economic reasons.

Now being a vegetarian is not the same as being a vegan. Vegetarians can still eat some meat, but they don't make a steady diet of it.

Vegans won't eat anything made from an animal.

(I love ice cream and cheese, so I don't think I'll ever be a vegan. LOL)

Other Answers:
No, because its sad to them when people
eat a poor little piggy.
Each has their own reasons.

One friend of mine had an aversion to meat as a child, now she's a vegetarian.

Another friend lost a lot of weight going on a vegan diet, and now she sticks with it.

To each his own!
They want to be a vegetarian because that is what they believe in. They think it is hurtful to animals.
i think its for both. I was for two years, but my health actually got worse-I wasn't eating healthy. But I think people do it for their health, religion, or because they don't like meat
Could be either, or also that they don't believe we should kill animals for food.
There are many different reasons, they don't like the taste of meat, the health, they are against the killing of animals, whatever.
they are afraid to be attatcked by the killer meat grinder i think
Some people chose to be vegetarian because they feel guilty eating a poor innocent animal, that has been inhumanely slaughtered

But I'm not a vegetarian
I think that some people's personality(animal lovers) makes them not want to eat meat. Others are grossed out by the process of how the meat is made. I like animals, on and off the table.
Any other but special health reason, must be crazy!.Cause I love STAKE!
I am sorry. I ..Love it.
Alot of people dont like animal cruelty. They dont like the idea of humans eating animals. They think animals should be treated as humans are treated. I agree but meat is so good, i have been eating it all my life.. its hard to stop.
because an animal like a cow, chicken,pig, etc is a living thing and some people can not bring themselves to kill and eat these types of food.
I'm vegetarian and it's because I don't like the texture of meat and because I don't want to eat animals (although I think there's nothing wrong with other people eating animals - it's just not for me).
some people have a different mind.everybody id different.or maybe they just don`t like meat or thaey have different reason.somy people do that because they want to be healthy
no sources
Because they've never had a good steak.
I've known several vegeterians, and some did it because they didn't like the though of eating an animal, one didn't like the taste of meat, and another friend tried it to be healthier. They have more will power than me, meat tastes good, and to me, it's not a meal if something didn't die for it. Yummy! Bacon cheeseburger! Took out two animals for that one!
When I chose to be a vegetarian, the reason was two-fold.

First, I was finding that my body wasn't processing meat (especially red meat) very well and it would set in my gut for a long while.

Next, because I have a hard time eating meat if I knew/1st saw the animal before I ate it.

I used to feed this baby cow at my aunt in laws place and the last time I went over, he was gone and we were having steak for dinner. That's the 1st time I went veggie.
Most true vegans do it because of the poor treatment of animals used for food. It is not that they don't like meat, they are just opposed to the bad treatment of those animals
Some people choose not to eat meat because of thier religion. Some people choose not to eat meat for health reasons. Some people don't eat meat because of an allergy. Some people don't eat meat because they don't think that animals should be killed for food. Some don't eat meat becuase it creeps them out. Some people are vegetarians because they don't like the taste of meat. Some people have no reason for becoming vegetarian and just want to try something new.
I'm a vegetarian and so are 2 of my friends.
I do not like it. I was raised vegetarian,for health and animal rights reasons. As an adult I tried meat and found I do not like it anyway.
the most common reasons tend to be health and concern for animals rights. a lot of people don't believe in eating meat because it's cruel to kill animals. the legs of baby calves are broken so they can be kept in cages and force fed in order to grow veal. and dont even ask about chicken production...
the hell of it is meat is the highest source of protein. as ted nugent often says if animals herds aren't trimmed due to hunting they overgrow and starve because they eat all the food by the time winter comes and it's more brutal to let animals starve to death.
if you want to go veggie there's plenty of cookbooks for you. ( people also do this for heart health) if not, please let me enjoy my steak in peace. thank you and peace!

I think it is because as human beings we have choices, many choices and that is just one we can make. Same as anything else.reigion, hair color, style, music, mates, etc. It may also be important to make a choice to not judge those that make different choices than we do but for a lot of people that is one of the hardest choices to make.
people become vegetarian for health or personal reasons..there are also different kinds of vegetarians..some wont eat any animal by-product while others will have milk, eggs, cheese...i believe though that how/what ever a person decides to eat, they should be respectful of others and not impose their personal belief into it.I personally eat a lot of veggies and fruit because red meat is really hard on my system, i dont like anything that swims in the ocean and i just feel better having an apple vs a whooper.


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