can you fart while you are sleep?!

Yes, you should hear my partner.

Other Answers:
yes everyone does
not sure I am sleep remember
Yes, I've heard someone do it.
no..i dont think so..probably you'll tend to be concious for a few seconds then fart then back to sleep.
LOL, my whole family does!
You wouldn't BELIEVE the farts that come outta people while they're snoozin. Cripes.I used to call my bud the "K-16" cuz..well.let your mind wander and you'll figure it out.

But to answer your question.indubiously!
heck yes you can!
Ah yes..just like breathing.
yes, I had a roommate freshman year of college who used to do it all the time. I remember working on papers late into the night, and suddenly hearing little farts from the bed over my left-hand shoulder. at first I was confused, but ever since I realized that he'd been farting in his sleep, I never stop teasing him about it.
Having worked in the hospital setting for years, I can tell you truely that yes, it happens to everyone.
Of course. I am told that I do most of my farting when I am asleep. I fart long and loud, sometimes in short bursts. But it guess that amount of farting I do contributes to the relieved feeling I get when I wake up.
yes yes yes
My guy freind does it so much he usually wakes himself up. Sometimes it's very funny, but it can be very smelly.
I Can't. tee hee..
But my fiance can.
(hence the reason I am still awake..)
you sure can
Of course


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