Link between immunity and moles/freckles?!

Question: Ever since I've had a weak immune system (started off with glandular fever 5 yrs ago, then problems with chronic fatigue/post viral syndrome since, plus I have Candidiasis - all of which Im trying to treat) my skin has been prone to freckles and moles. I don't go out in the sun often (and I usually wear sunscreen) but Ive developed heaps of moles over the last 5 years. Before I had health problems I never had any moles, and spent more time in the sun than I do now.

A few people have told me I get them so easily due to having a weakened immune system. Can anyone confirm/give any further information about this suggestion?
It could theoretically be that your weakened immune system is not able to control cancerous growths like it used to. Under normal circumstances, the immune system patrols the body, looking for cells that are growing out of control, and keeping them in check (usually by killing them completely but sometimes just by controling their growth). If you are immunosupressed, your immune system can't patrol for these uncontrolled growths as well as it used to. Moles are a type of uncontrolled cell growth that is usually kept in check by the immune system. It could be that your immune system is no longer able to stop the growth of these moles and that is why they are suddenly growing. The best thing you could do is talk to your doctor about them and, even more importantly, keep an eye on them. Note their number, size, shape, and color, and if anything changes, definitely contact a doctor. Your immune system plays a very important role in keeping cancer in check, so it's best to keep an eye on it yourself if your immune system can't.

Please note I AM NOT saying you have cancer! Don't freak out or anything. Just keep an eye on things and know what to expect.

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