pus filled sores under armpit?!

Scabbies (a parasitic infection) is the most common cause of pus filled small sores (pustules) under armpits. It could be some fungal lesion with superadded bacterial infection. You gotta consult your doctor, because dermatological (skin) lesions diagnosis depends upon visual examination.

Other Answers:
um. sounds like razor burn or an ingrown hair.
Just a guess
Go see your doctor!
Sensitivity to anti-perspirant exascerbated by minor shaving irritation and sweat and friction. Stop using anti-perspirant and do not shave broken skin. Use a soft clean cloth and warm water to wash and dry, no soap. Common to atheletes and the obese.
Listen to Dr. Dexture. Even if it's ingrown hairs or an allergy, it's best to let a physician examine it because that area is a warm, damp place where bacteria (which causes b.o. too) grows no matter how clean you are and can be hard to heal without the help of antibiotics. Don't take a chance with your skin like that. You could make it much worse and more painful, not to mention that you could get very ill. Lord Carnovon knicked and infected mosquito bite on his face when he was shaving and the toxins from the infection got into his bloodstream and he became septic. He died shortly thereafter from aspergilis-flavus, an airborn bacteria (I don't know if I spelled that right) that came from mold from inside King Tut's tomb upon it's discovery. The point of this is that the other infection and a previous injury to both his lungs from a car accident helped to weaken his immune system just as yours can become even more stressed and weakened from the body fighting the infection. Don't play with this! See a Doctor. PS. I'm not a Doctor but I know my stuff.usually, LOL
ingrown hairs, try to loofa to(exfoliate the area)try to wax if you are shaving. You will see better results
Depending on if you shave or not and how big these sores are, it could just be ingrown hairs and/or deoderant causing skin disruptions.


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