my 2 yr son has a fever, besides giving him a fever reducing med like children's!

definitely stick with motrin. It's best for that sort of thing, I think.
He's gonna be crabby, so just baby him a little. Make sure he's plenty hydrated. If he won't take water, give him some flavored pedialyte, or some jello water.
Lay down with him, read some books, make sure he has plenty of rest.
I'm not sure how high you should let that go before you see a doctor or hit the ER, so keep an eye on it & if it blows up to more than 102.0, you should probably give someone a call. If nothing else, you could get the number for your local emergency room & see if they can leave a message for a doctor to call you, though I think they may say they can't give advice over the phone.
If the fever persists for more than 24 hours, you should definitely see someone. Since it's Sunday night, it couldn't hurt to call your pediatrician first thing in the morning for advice.
Oh, and a tepid bath. Warm enough to not be uncomfortable, but cool enough to provide some relief.

Other Answers:
Well i just make them warm. and remember not to worry too much
Well, how much of a fever does he have (my kids' pediatrician never recommended motrin right away -- usually tylenol followed by motrin if a high fever persisted), and what other symptoms is he exhibiting?

If the fever is low-grade (100-101) don't bother with any kind of medication. If it is higher than 101, but there aren't other symptoms then manage the fever (don't eliminate it altogether), and push fluids. If your son has a high fever combined with other symptoms then treat the symptoms and get him to his doctor as soon as is practicable.
As long as the fever is lower than 103, I'd let it burn. The fever, while uncomfortable for the kiddo, is his body working hard to kill a virus or germ. Some people would suggest lukewarm baths or wiping him with rubbing alcohol..the alcohol is a NO-NO and a lukewarm bath will only mke him more uncomfortable (think sumburn being doused with ice-cold water). Instead, to make him comfortable, try a popsicle while sitting in the bath. The other thing that can happen is a febrile seizure - scary but not harmful to the little one. If the fever lasts too long, call your doc's office but otherwise, just sit with him, comfort him and wait it out. P.S. - it seems to me that a watched fever never lowers!
My own experience and my favorite Dr., Dr. Michael Cohen, author of "The New Basics" A-Z guide to parenting for the modern parent" - it's a great read - PICK IT UP!
I have 20th month twin boys, and they've had fever a few times.
Children's Motrin is good, but I think your child shouldn't take it on an empty stomach because he could get a tummy ache.
You can also give children's Tylenol concentrated drops. That's what I usually start with. If he's very fussy/uncomfortable because of the fever, a lukewarm bath might help. During the bath I distract my fussy child with slowly pouring water from a cup into the water. He's amused by the water and tries to grab it..and it gets him to stop fussing.
Also if his temperature is very high, remove some layers of clothing.

Good luck!
I'm no nurse, so this is the voice of a layperson.

Keep him hydrated, especially if vomiting and/or diarrhea accompany this fever. Pedialyte and the new electrolyte drink by Gerber are first choices. (When I went shopping recently, the Gerber product was the same amount of ounces as Pedialyte, but packaged in 4 bottles, so it will keep better, and was less expensive.)

No sports drinks!

Watch his fever. You can cool him off to a certain extent with alcohol rubs.

I'm sure there's more that someone else can provide, but without knowing other symptoms and temperature, this is all I can tell you.
I always prefer Tylenol but also wipe him down with a cool washrag. Don't let him get under the covers to much. You want to cool the outside down to help cool the inside. (this is why they do ice baths, though I am in NO way suggesting this.) With a careful eye it should go down. I would wait for the doctor until after 48 hours unless it gets high (103.00+)
Keep him well hydrated.


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