I want to pratice natural family planning without artificial means. My best woul!

you want to practice natural family planning?.dont keep on practising.just do it..

yeah right..calendar!.count your days! for the end is nigh!

anyway, if you are planning on calendar, you better keep some money apart for baby clothes, baby pram, baby bibs, baby pooh collector, baby soother, baby toys, baby...Should be easy for you, just mark all these things as well on your calendar, that should be a good contraceptive

Other Answers:
try coitus interruptus,this is when ur man pulls out just before he comes
The Calendar certainly is a best try, but doctors nowadays have reached a consensus that it simply is not an effective method. Some people use 3 days before and 3 days after the 14th day. Others use 5. But still, the method is simply not safe. You might all of the sudden get pregnant, and you`ll always be thinking about when your mnestruation will come down. You`ll always be worried.

Coitus interuptus is another unsafe method. The seminal charge the man lets out is not only the one associated to male orgasm. The other one can cause pregnancy as well.

And the whole question depends on what you call natural. Condoms are a natural barrier. They don`t use chemicals to stop sperm or anything. It is simply a rubber barrier.
Calendar combined with Coitus Interruption and Temperature is the possibility.

For a REGULAR 28 day cycle - you have to be aware from DAY 09 to DAY 18. DAY 01 is the first day you see blood (beginning of menstruation). As such fertilization is more likely to occur during DAY 13, 14, 15. But for being more safer DAY 09 - DAY 18 is recommended.

Coitus Interuptus:
Can be used from DAY 09 - DAY 18. But remember this very very tough. For the first few days it will appear very easy to him and it will all be so great. But soon satisfaction to both you will began to get affected.

There is about 1 deg F rise in temperaure 24 hours before you ovulate. For this you must take your temperature everyday and make a chart. Over 2-3 months you will began to get confidence as to when exactly it occurs - use coitus interputus for 72 hours after the peak temperautre.
This method is complicated by fever, infections, and very little rise in temperuare in some women.
If coitus is restricted to the first ten days prior to mensturation and first three or five days after ,conception is less likely to occur. Coitus interruptue is another method . Bu in no both cases there may be failures. First one because of exact calculation of the date of ovulation is not easy due to various rerasons and so it is un reliable. In the second method in addition there is stress and strain on both the partners.
The calandar method and the rhythem method are VERY bad choices b/c they are based on inaccurate information. They assume your body works on a clockwork 28 day cycle. which MOST women do not. It also assumes that everyone ovulates on the 14th day of their cycle. when in reality the ovulation can take place on *any* day. Also, the Period is the START of a cycle. not the end.

You should look into taking a Chreighton class for couples through the Catholic Dioces so you can get one on one instruction for the Cervical Fluids part. This is essential to understand correctly b/c it is your first sign of impending fertility. A man's sperm can live in this stuff for *5* days - so you have to know what you are watching for.
Buy a Basal Digital Thermometor b/c it is more accurate than the regular digital ones and easier to read than the old mercury ones. You will be taking your temp every AM before doing *anything* else so that you can confirm ovulation.
Read and study and practice charting for at least *3* cycles before you begin to have sex while using charting. this helps to reduce errors b/c you have a chance to understand your body and the body has enough time to regulate if you've been taking any hormonal contraceptives before.
I have been doing Fertility Awareness for 6 yrs. It works. There are a lot of us who can't use the other options on the market and have had to look into natural contraception.

Take a Chreighton Charting class with your partner through the local Catholic Dioces. You don't have to be Catholic but they will want you to be a monogamous couple "looking into marraige" or already married = compatable with their religious views about sex.
CAREFULY read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler and visit:
Download the software (well worth buying btw) and begin tracking your personal symptoms
I thank God every day that my parents used "Natural Family Planning". Otherwise, I wouldn't be here answering this question.
Living proof that it doesn't work.


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