i've been bleeding for 2 weeks is that a problem?!

Usually a woman's cycle is shorter than that, but I've definitely had periods where I bleed much longer than normal. I don't think you are in immediate danger, but you should talk to your doctor about it.

If you are on the pill, you could be getting used to the hormone dosage you are currently taking. When that happened to me, I spotted for almost three weeks. I went to my doctor and he changed my pill to one with a higher dosage of hormones.

I wouldn't lose sleep over it, but I would see your doctor soon.

Other Answers:
U should go to a doctor, you could be a diabetic. Its amazing you're still alive if that's true!
you didn't mention your age. but constant bleeding (vaginal) for two weeks is something to be concerned about. talk with your Doctor ASAP.
I did that and it was way bad like I would change every 30 mins to hour for 2 weeks or more it was so heavey and I didn't think anything of it til one day there was blood all over the side walk. My husband drove me to the hospital and come to find out it was a miscarriage. OS you should call your doctor and get checked cause no its not normal.
i have had many probs with this and it can mean many things . it depends it could be the type of contraception u r on.it could be a hormone imbalance i really cant tell you much more without more info . but still you should see a doc . if ya wanna talk more bout it you can email me on jde77943@bigpond.net.au


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