If you cut your arm off, you'll instantly lose about a stone.

Other Answers:
there is no fast quick fix, they do not work and will probably make your situation worse.

work out ever day and eat well, you have to make a life style change and do both exercise and healthy diet
exercising and a good diet
Reduce calorie intake and be very active (walk, jog, work with weights, work out on arobic equipment)
ampthetamines (speed)
a diet no sweets and no pop and starve lol
Don't eat - and get cancer

Hope this helps
if you are just a little overweight exercize is the right answer, if you are really big, SURGERY.
Speed Ice
Slim quick pills
Any thing.just don't go anorexic..
u can loose weight fast if use pills But thats not healhty
cut calories, work out, find a hobby, drink lots of water There is really no quick way
u r gonna have to eat right and excercise right, also remember the more muscle u gain the more fat u will burn doing nothing:
eat 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, 2 of the meals should b protein drinks, the other meals should consist of
protein: egg whites, chicken, tuna, fish, steak
complex carbs: brown rice, yams, whole wheat breads
veggies: asparagus, green beans, broccolie, other green veggies
..cardio 6 days a week, in the morning, before any breakfast right after u wake up, walk on the treadmil for atleast 40 the afternoon 3 times a week do a full body low weight circuit workout, do abs every other day.. email me if u need anything else
Their is a way I use to weigh 186 now I weigh 110 and I went on a pill called adipex do a search for it it is a diet pill their is a generic name called pehentermine I belive that is the correct spelling if not it is pretty close. Anyway do a yahoo search you will find many sites. At diffrent prices. Some will ask you for your dr information so they can get a script from them. Most will not just ask you questions. This only works if you take it the same time every day and don't miss a dose. If you have high blood presure don't take it. You will loose 7 to 10 lbs the first 2 weeks and 2 to 5 lbs their after it is consistant though.
The generic is just as good and much cheaper get the 37.5
X fatty
Understand, this is a quick weight loss solution, meaning, temporary. You may possibly gain all of it back, or more. This is a very extreme way to do it but its been effective for a short term solution (4-6 weeks maximum).

In order to get the body to release fat, you have to understand some realities.

The human body is not really capable of shedding more than 2 pounds of fat in a week, especially on an ongoing basis, and even 2 pounds per week would be an extreme!
The human body is capable of losing far more than 2 pounds in a week, but that would indicate loss of either muscle or water.
Muscle loss is guaranteed to decrease caloric burn and slow metabolism.
Water loss is temporary.

1st Part is Diet adjustment - lean proteins, complete proteins, protein shakes(drinks), and leafy green vegetable or other type of vegetable meals. Chicken, Fish, and Turkey are your proteins, none of them fried, broiled, or microwaved. Vegetable meals include salads, or meals with all veggies.
No white potatoes, no white flour, no white sugar, no grains at all, unless they are whole grains such as protein rich brown rice. No artificial sweetners (Splenda, Aspartame), no heavily processed food meals, you want to turn your body into a machine that burns up the fuel (food you eat) quickly. You dont want any excess calories from anything so you eat or drink and no diet drinks because those are more detrimental to metabolism because of how the body elimanates the chemicals they contain.
Drink nothing but water, maybe a little juice but preferably vegetable, cranberry or grapefruit those help to flush the kidneys and curb your appetite, in the early part of the day, and herbal tea(such as green tea), and I say again NO diet drinks.

Parts 2 and 3 and a detailed example of your workouts are listed in the source link, check it out.


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