Is laser therapy safe for treating myopia?!

Your best option for this question is to research on the Net from reputible sites. Then make an appointment with your doctor of choice for laser. Make a list of your concerns and questions. (Please do this because you'll forget some of them during the consult if you don't.)Generally, your first appointment/consultation is free. The ones that actually do this surgery are the ones that can answer all your questions. Don't rely on answers here. I would be surprised if there was someone that does that type of procedure here answering questions and would be leary of ones that say they are. Good luck!

Other Answers:
Well, I have myopia (and astigmatism) and had laser surgery. I had monovision correction (one eye near and the other far) and they messed up one eye and had to wait until it completely got over its inflammation before they could redo it (about 4 months). There is some new technology where the lasik machine actually maps the back of your eye. You may very well get better than 20/20 vision. Don't get this done until your eye becomes quite stable from year to year. If you are under 30, you might want to wait. Check with your regular eye doctor--don't trust the lasik doctors because they are trying to sell you the procedure.


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