what majors can one take to stop the spread of HIV?!

Well Africa is where it seems to be spreading the most rapidly so I'd suggest some kind of overseas education subject. If people don't have access to medical care or sex-education on these things then it's hardly their fault if they end up contracting a disease.

I agree with Path. Education is the key. People need to be educated on how to protect themselves. Education and access to medical/contraceptive health.

Other Answers:
Education is the most important thing. Most cases of AIDS are spread because of ignorance. Ignorance about how the disease is spread, and how it can be prevented. AIDS is completely preventable.
no sex! and be very careful when theres transmission of blood like blood transfusion!
Protected sex, protected bool transmission..
What measures can you take? If you mean, stop it from spreading to you? You should greatly limit the number of sexual partners you have. Other than total celebacy,a monogomous relationship carries the least risk.

Condoms must be used at all times of penetration. If it is in there it must be wrapped up.

If you think you could have been exposed to aids, contact a doctor immediately. They can block it if there is time.

Limit your alcohol intake. The first area of the brain that alcohol effect is that area that governs your ability to make rational choices and good judgements. You are much, much more likely to cast caution to the wind when drinking alcohol.

If you want to know what measures you can take to stop the spread of aids in your community, this is what I suggest.

Get an HIV test done if you have had unprotected sex with anyone.

Find out everything you can about the disease. Find out what activities are the least and the most risky, etc..

If you hear anyone giving out misinformation about the disease, step forward and challenge this misinformation. i.e. Only gay men can get it. Wrong, anyone of us can get it. And we will if you listen to this guy!

Don't become anti social but do talk to as many people as you can about what you have learned. If you get yourself very well informed you could posibly speak to groups about the disease.

Information is life. If you feel called to go to Africa, go. If not, there is plenty you can do here.


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