I have a low self esteem and i am trying to get over it but i cant! Whats some t!

Question: I call myself ugly all the time i dont lyke to look into mirrors i think that guys done want me and i call myself fat
you have to realize that looks can only get you so far, a personality and a sense of humor will will the hearts of more people then some stick skinny girl. get anyone in your life out that is not helping you feel good about yourself. and remember that no matter what theres someone that thinks whatever you look like is the most beuatiful person out there

Other Answers:
The only answer for this is therapy. You obviously see a problem, and a lot of times, really do need help. Therapy isn't a bad thing, just helpful. You can't quick fix over problems with thinking, and need to relearn how to think. Whether it be combating negative thinking, learning how to reorganize your thoughts, or just learning how to silence the voice.thats the best answer I can give.
The first step is to stop calling yourself ugly and fat. As long as you do that nobody will respect you so you won't respect yourself. Then if you truely believe you are unatractive then do something about it. Work out and change your style
Stop that crap! No one likes an insecure person. If you keep telling yourself those negative things about yourself you believe it after a while. Think positive things about yourself for now on.
workout! i swear it helps so much
People believe what you tell them. You need confidance in yourself. Never, ever, degrade yourself. People will believe you. Trust me.
only way to get over it is to just say i don't care what people think and that's it i do that. even though i try to make me look better to me not anyone else everyday . just be you.
While therapy may be good, there is nothing wrong with antidepressants as well. The first step to changing is realizing something is wrong.
Not to sound like a scientologist, but diet and exercise also help.
Instead of focusing on the negative, try to focus on the positive. Everyday, list one good thing about yourself.
First, you have to stop associating yourself with such negetive thoughts. its weird, but how you think of yourself, is how others think of you. When you dstart to say something negetive about yourself, STOP! If you cant say something positive, just dont talk. It takes time to find out what you like about yourself, but you will find it. Start thinking about what youre good at and do those things alot. hang out with people who make you feel good. You have to respect yourself before anyone else trulely respects you.
Try writing positive things about yourself on sticky notes (one good quality for each note). Then, stick them up where you will daily see them, like put a few in your locker at school or on your mirror at home. Hopefully these positive reminders will help you remember that you are a beautiful person (sorry to sound sappy, but I tried this and it really helped)


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