girls onlyyyyyyyyy i need help with acne?!

Question: i'm 13 and i just had my eyebrows done and now theres like this dark red pimples everywhere pls tell me how to get rid of them fast
Acne develops because more oil is produced than the skin can efficiently shed, causing the pore to become clogged. If the clogged pore opens directly to the skin’s surface, you get a blackhead. If the clogged pore has a layer of skin over it, you’ll get a whitehead. Acne occurs when the clog is deeply inside the pore.

Acne grows from the inside of your skin, not as a result of fatty foods or dirt. Scrubbing your skin will not reduce acne if you’re genetically predisposed for it, so spare your skin the rough scrubs.

Try Clearasil or Stridex. Salicylic acid derives from aspirin and comes in a cream form, like in Propa pH.
Neutrogena soap contains both salicylic acid and a little benzoyl peroxide. These are for teenage acne and they dry out the skin.
You can disguise a pimple with eye-redness reliever drops. Apply a few drops to Q-tip and
then hold on pimple for about ten to fifteen seconds.

At night, mix a packet of fast-acting yeast with enough tea tree oil to make a paste. Tea tree oil comes from Australia and is antiseptic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory. Spread over emerging pimple, and cover with a bandage. Leave on overnight. Yeast causes the pimple to rise out of skin, while tree oil attacks it. It should be gone in the morning.

Or, try this: soak a cotton ball in warm salt water. Press on top of blemish for three minutes to dissolve the top.

When the blemish is gone, dab a bit of honey on the affected area to deep

Other Answers:
You will just have to let it heal
try putting cool compresses on them should help reduce the redness.
ok first try to wash ur face with neutrogena oil free acne wash. it is orange, wash ur face once in the morning and night then use something that has benzoyl peroxide. don't put a lot on. it will dry up ur skin and make it worse. but if it drys up use cetaphil (lotion for face to get moisture)
I would tell you to go to the hospital in case itt might be serious, just to make sure.
get proactive
use tea tree from bodyshop.
dont wory its just puberty you will grow out of it!!1
the best acne cream and etc i used was Clearasil Ultra Vanishing acne treatment cream
trust me on this i used alot of other treatments like proactiv, murad, neutrogena and so on

the vanishing cream works really well its gone within 2nd or 3rd day and its cheap so you dont have to keep buying other treatments that are way expensive. even though its small you only need a small dab of it so its worth the money because its not going to run out. i bought mine last year and i still have ALOT of it.

its small so you can carry it around when you see a blemish thats starting to get big

trust me on this
get it you wont regret it

the only bad thing about it is
it has 10% benzoyl peroxide so it might dry out your skin. but if you wash your skin everyday it most likely wont happen..

hope my advice helped!
white colgate toothpaste will take the redness out.
You're skin is irritated. Mine do the same thing sometimes after I have my eyebrows waxed. You could also be allergic to the wax. Make sure to keep your face clean with a gentle facial soap/wash. I use Neutogena's On the spot acne treatment. It works for me.
they are all wrong acne medications will only make them red all you can do is put cover up on them and let them go away by themselves
Those red pimples might be as a result of skin iritation try using some medicated soap or antiseptic soap. don't worry pretty those red pimples will be no were to be found on your beautifullllllllllllllllllllll. facee again.
get makeup
They are from the irritation.either you had them waxed or threaded I'm assuming? You need to leave them alone.they will go away, but if you mess with them they will get WAY worse! Next time put an aloe vera lotion on your eyebrows after you get them done to help ease the irritation. Or, if you DID put lotion on after you had them done, then next time don't put any on. For this time, try putting toothpaste on them overnight or while you're sitting at home and let it dry out your pimples. It works well.
Hold a piece of tomatoe on it for about 10-15 min.this will take the redness away.but every night before you go to bed rub vinigar on it.It may sound fuuny but it really works.
Try massaging a drop or two of visine eye drops into them. The ingredient (tetrahydrozoline HCI) that whitens the eye will reduce the redness.
i've read a bunch of articles about acne and it has an equation of
(face oils) + (bacteria on the face) + (dusts) = acne

acne appears on our face at puberty coz we start to secrete more sebum (that's the oils on our face). bacteria and dusts are also present in the environment. thus, to counter this, use face soap that is an antiseptic. then, before going out of the house, place lots of facial powder. then, after the day, when u get back the house, clean ur face with warm water to open the pores and wash away the dirt.

whenever u do get a pimple, don't touch it. it has bacteria and touching it would only mean spreading the bacteria on other parts of the face.

then, have a healthy diet. avoid eating fatty and oily food..

and try eating the vegetable known as "bitter gourd" or "bitter melon." its scientific name is Charantia mormodica. eat it about 3x a week.

also, drink lots of water. :-)
I'm 15 and i had really bad acne too. i asked a dermatologist and they first thing you can do is eat healthy. eliminate as many sugars as you can (candy, soda etc..) and make sure to wash your face at least twice a day. Drink lots of water too. and try not to touch your face because the oils on your hands clog up your pours. and final i use Clean & clears DEEP ACTION CREAM CLEANSER. It works really well!
hope it helped! =]
Ask your mother to get you Arbonne she will love it too
Well im not a chick howether i have acne and i reccomend going getting it treated by going to the doctors because it might not just go away im 21 and have had it sinse i was 13 and i hate it and wish i got rid of it or found a solution sooner because my confidence has badly sufferd and yes i know people who have nice skin will tell you it doesent matter but its esy to say when your not being affected by it . Dont let it stress you as stress makes spots worse .
Aloe vera is very mild and wont irritate your skin (which is what sounds like happened when you got your eyebrows done) the redness will eventually die down
I'm a make up artist for Swans agency New York. We are hired out for actors and actresses on movie sets and politicians making T.V. commercials and the rich and famous in general who can afford us for every type of facial blemish and problem imaginable. Here's simply what you do. I could get fired for this so tell no one. Purchase a small bottle of.oh wait I just noticed you said girls only.oh my! I'm sorry.. I'm a guy. I'll get off of here right now. sorry
try fo r some cream like ultra clearcil,but it wont suit of all.wash ur face a lot of times a day.keep it free from any dust particle and pt betnovate-N cream @ night..
u can buy stuff from clinique and othr make-up places. i have tht kind of problem to. CLinique has a rlly good cleanser. Just ask sum1 at a make-up store, abt acne- clarifing lotions/stuff. ALso you may be dehydrated tht wat happens wit me. drink lots of wata, and wash ur face alot. if you have bangs, the grease from ur hair on ur forehead creates them.

main thngs tht help me: clarifying lotion
Drinking water
WAshing face
Pinning bangs out of the way

hope i helped! =)
Personal experience =)
its just irritated skin where u hav plucked the hair out compresses help most as will non greasy moisturiser tho b careful u dont get it in ur eyes try to avoid covering it with make up for 2-3 days as that wont help it
check n e beauty sites they should tell u the same thing
pro active and wash face alot
It might be just irritation. try witch hazel you'll find it at any drug store next to the alcohol, it is not expensive and it is very good for when ever there is irritation, redness and even helps with pain.


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