is there such thing as milk being a bad choice?!

Question: milk was a bad choice......
Milk was made for calves, not for humans. Better try soy milk if you can afford it.

Other Answers:
researchers say that drinking milk..makes people lose weight
Yes. Milk is a bad choice when you get it from a bull.
That was a joke.
ANCHORMAN (movie) Will Ferrell
No, usually milk is a very good choice, but try to choose one with lower fat content. Skim has exactly the same nutrients as 2% or whole, but much less calories & fat. Unless you are lactose intolerant, milk is good.
If you want to get drunk, milk is a bad choice. Also whisky does not raise your cholesterol level.
Yeah, after its gone bad. Otherwise, no.
Uh Brenda."soy beans" weren't meant to be poured on cereal either.

Soy Milk.puhlease!

NO Milk is never a bad choice. I'd stick to the lower fat versions however.and if you're giving it to kids..I'd also pay extra for the organic milk.they don't need the extra hormones that the cows are being stuffed with now a days.
Yes,if your allergic.
If you are "lactose intollerant" milk would be a bad choice, but sometimes you can drink Acidophilus instead:
Yes its is a bad choice but only for those who have lactose intolerance and malabsorbtion syndrome...for rest its best..
I'm a doc buddy
bad choice for what?

for general constumption? then yes, if you're lactose intolerant or already have too much calcium intake

for the "how will it taste once its spoiled contest"?
bad, but there probably could have been worse things out there
of are but a few instances where it's a bad choice:

it's a bad choice for a blood transfusion
it's a bad choice as an automotive lubricant
it's a bad choice for underarm deodorant
it'sa bad choice for filling a fountain pen
no there is no such thing of milk being a bad choice it is a heathly choice that everyone should drink
if you r lactose intolerant


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