why is snot yellow?!

Because SKY BLUE would just be too much.

And NO ! wouldn't like purple instead. Too close to red which would mean I have a bloody nose. Which would mean I got hit. again.

Other Answers:
dude you need help no it was white ( LAUGHS SO HARD!) Mucus was yellow why am i even discussing this with you!?
Snot comes in clear,yellow,green,and red.All symbolize something different.Yellow is a sign of a sinus infection.
Cuz you got a nasal infection,
why is that sperm on your lips white?
I don't know
Would u like it to be purple instead?
Good Lord you have an infection, get to the doctor and get some antibodics.
Yellow snot means that there is an infection, it could be anything from a common cold to something serious.
it shouldn't be unless you are sick.it turns that color becuase it is tring to get rid of it.like mucis!
I think yellow means you have a cold. Green is an infection which you need antibiotics to cure. Red means you have a bloody nose. Which can be from hitting it hard or because the air is dry and your nose is raw inside. Also could be from blowing or picking. YUK! Clear means allergies.
reminds me of the question: Why is semen white and urine yellow? So you can tell if you are coming or going.


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