wot is the most realistic way to loose weight?!

Drink LOTS of water.EVERY DAY!

Eat lots of small meals throughout the day instead of only 2 or 3 big meals.

Eat less carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc.)

Excercise at least 2-3 times a week for about 30min (even walking will help)

Other Answers:
Healthy diet and exercise.
anorexia, bolemia, dont eat, run around in circles
the only way to loose weight is by proper diet and excercise.
only eat when your hungry, and just keep walking
Don't miss any meals (especially breakfast).. Eat smart (sustain life) - not fill up & excersise regulary . walk, run, ride a bicycle.
stop eating pasta and bread, start eating more fruits veggies and excersice
First, you've got to want to. The most realistic? Don't go on a diet! When you've finished it you'll just go back to ur old eating habits. Eat things you like but make sure you're eating 5 portions of fruit and veg per day and at least 8 (gasp!) glasses of water a day. Find an exercise you like- swimming and walking are the best. Running and jogging are bad for you without the correct track. The key is healthy eating and exercise, but don't cut out the things you enjoy.
MIND OVER MATTER! your gonna have to really want it in order to motivate yourself to eat right and exercise!
Of course a healthy diet and exercise. However, the main key is to BURN MORE CALORIES THAN YOU TAKE IN.
what are the first 3 letters in diet? DIE! Diet means the food we eat not the food we don't!there are many reasons people can and cant lose weight. the best thing is to see you doctor and make sure your wight problem isn't caused by an underling condition such as thyroid or adrenal disease or diabetes. humans are built to last if taken care of and we're all not going to be a size 3. If you feel good and healthy at size 12 then so be it. Love youself. " Eat to live, Dont live to eat"
Take a balanced diet and keep on hard working.
Over thirty years' experience in Homeopathic treatement.
Exercise, fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein and portion control. This last one is what really has helped me out!
Loosing weight is hard and easy at the same time. It is a matter of ratios. Calories/fat in to calories/fat out. The less you eat and the more you exercise the faster you'll loose weight. However, you have to remember a few things. Doing something exercise wise that you hate, you probly won't do. Pick something exotic and fun. Like take a dance class or martial arts or something. Make sure it is fun and think of it as enriching your knowledge about something, not the big scary 'e' word (exercise). You also have to eat. Period. Stay away from high fat foods (I love McDonald's fries too), refined sugar (like candy or white flour products) and 'empty' carbs (like beer). Then eat normally! Eat veggies, eat meats, eat bread! That is what they are there for! Just because you are not Paris Hilton thin doesn't mean you are fat!
Be aware that if you have a lot of weight to loose, talk to a dietician or your doctor. (Take what you can live with, it isn't like they are God and you have to do exactly what they say!) Be aware also that you may not be fat! You may have more muscles or be heavier boned than others. If you are, it is okay! Not all bodies are built to look like toothpicks. Imagine what would happen if they were? I can't see Paris Hilton being a fireman and carrying people out of burning buildings, can you?
The most important thing is to just do the best you can. Set a goal for yourself. Such as: I want to be more cardiovascularly fit (stronger heart and lungs) and if I loose weight acheiving this goal, then great. Another goal you can set is I am going to make sure I eat more veggies.
Be sure you realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it is only skin deep. Being thin won't make you happy. Sorry. It won't. I know!
And one more thing - be sure to cheat! Just schedual it. For example I cheat on my birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. I eat whatever I want and as much of it as I want. Don't sweat this. This is fun! Occasionally pick a random day to go hog wild! This makes being "good" so much easier. I hope this helps ;)
The most realistic way is to make a lifestyle change. You won't lose weight quickly, naturally your body may shed 1-2 pounds per week. The "crash" diets make your body go into starvation mode, which in turn makes you binge eat at a later date. Thus, you regain the weight that you have lost.

So, this is what you do:

1. Nutrition. Start off with 6 small meals per day. Each meal should have one portion of protein, carbs, and veggies. A portion is the size of your fist. Eat 6 meals per day, or one every 3 hours. This has the dual effect of speeding up your metabolism as well as making your blood sugar levels even, thus you won't feel hungry. If you have the money, meal replacement drinks are a great way to help you eat healthy 6 times per day. I get mine at www.allstarhealth.com.

2. Exercise - Weights. The fact is that nothing is better for your body than weight training. NOTHING. Cardio is good, but weights are better. Muscle burns more calories than fat or other lean mass, plus fat takes up 5 times more space than muscle. As a result, by building muscle, you reshape your body, and burn more calories throughout the day naturally. You should work out with weights 3 times per week, alternating between upper and lower body, i.e. M-Upper, W-Lower, F-Upper, M2-Lower, and so on. Those days of rest between workouts are critical to you rebuilding muscle. It is a rare case of "less is more".

3. Exercise - Cardio. Cardio, while not as good as weights, has important benefits, including helping burn fat, and allowing you to work out during your non-weight training days. Do 30 minutes of hard cardio on your non weight days, so your total workout schedule would be M-Upper, Tu-Cardio, W-Lower, Th-Cardio, F-Upper, Sa-Cardio, Su-Free.

4. Free day. Pick one (and only one) day per week where you blow off all of the above. Don't work out, don't eat right. You want a pizza? Eat the whole damn thing. There are good reasons for doing this, which I won't get into here.

Finally, steer clear of them damn diet pills! They are unsafe, unnatural, and over the long term - don't work.

Check out the book Body for Life by Bill Phillips for further details - it has good beginners tips and strategies that you will need.


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