I have an obssession with eating cinnomon sticks. Is this healthy?!

Question: I devour like 1 whole cinnomon stick a day sometimes. I live eating them. Tonight my dad said I should probably find out if this is ok for me to do. So I thought I would ask you loverly people. Any ideas guys?
Hi, Sketch,
Actually, they've done a study (or two?) that shows that cinnamon may actually lower the blood sugar in a healthy way. But my concern is--splinters. I have a hard time even grinding cinnamon sticks for cooking! (And I use a mortar and pestle sometimes for cooking to make spice mixtures.) Also, once I had a package of cheap cinnamon sticks from Madagascar and found a tiny pebble rolled into the middle of one! So, you might want to wash yours before you suck on them. My concern is, like I say, splinters.
If you can get them soft enough to where you're able to chew them thoroughly, maybe that's fine. But otherwise, your methodology intrigues.

Other Answers:
Cinnomon is a food product so eat on it won't hurt you
A teaspoon of Cinnomon a day has been proven to work more effectively than most Cholestral drugs on lowering your bad cholestral
Cinnamon is used to treat nausea, flatulence, and diarrhea. The oil in cinnamon is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Cinnamon extracts has been used to treat gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea.

It is believed that the cinnamon is beneficial in controlling blood cholesterol and good for diabetes.
so eat on !!
Now it is one of the most natural and benifitial things God made it is in the Bible that it cures alot of unhealthy things that we do to our body so eat on just dont over do it *K*


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