What causes hiccups and what's the best cure for them?!


Have you ever had the hiccups and wondered what caused them? They are actually a really weird sound and are hard to control. Hiccups are caused by a sudden jerk in your diaphragm that causes you to breathe in air very quickly. The diaphragm is the muscle in your chest that is located just below your lungs. When you breathe in, the air travels in your mouth and nose, through your windpipe and into your lungs. When your diaphragm jerks and you suck in air very quickly, the quick air flow causes the flap at the top of your windpipe to snap shut. This quick inflow of air and the snapping shut of the flap on your windpipe is the sound of hiccups.

But what causes your diaphragm to contract? Your brain sends a message down to your diaphragm telling it to contract. But, we really do not know why the brain sends this message.

How can you stop yourself from hiccuping? People will tell you many theories on how to stop the hiccups. The best method is the one that works best for you. One method is to breathe in and out of a paper bag. Another method is to sit upside down and plug your nose. Others suggest drinking a tall glass of water very quickly. Still others suggest that if you concentrate on your next hiccup they will stop. Who knows. Next time you get the hiccups try all of these methods and use what works best for you.

Other Answers:
mm apparantly too much air in your stomach. get some one to scare you and it'll get rid of it lol BOOOOOOOOO hahah
its a contraction of your diagphram and usually comes from trapped air, no real trick stops them they usually just naturally go away, holding your breathe though is probably the bes tof the lot
Calm down and breath slowly
Drink lot of water immediately to stop them.
i get rid of them by taking a drink of water, then swallow it with your head upside down. I KNOW! It sounds silly, but it really does work, I swear!
What i usually do is that I hold my breath for around 10 seconds then breathe out. Then I gulp down a tall glass of water. Then I hold my breath again. (and then breathe out of course)
My best cure is drinking a glass of water while someone else holds their hands cupped over my ears. This always helps for me, but unfortunately I can't give any guarantees!
air in you stomach.take a glass of water with a straw put it on the ground bind over an drink threw the straw it works i do it all the time.
less lubrication of the swallowed food by the saliva it can be cured by drinkin water
breathe extremely fast for a couple seconds then stop breathing for few moments and keep repeating this.. for some reason it works for me
it is cuased by a wrong contruction in the diaphram(the muscle near the stomach). it is caused by too much air entering simultanious with other substances in you stomach. the best cure is to let that muscle relax. either hold the breath for some few seconds or drink somthing.
A spasm of respiratory muscles. Dance and sing - its worth a try!
Hiccups are caused by a spasm in your diaphragm. There are different cures, drinking water, holding your breathe being scared, my daughter found a way to get rid of them, asking the person over and over their middle name, hey it worked to by keeping your mind off the hiccups~!~
i agree with bored. but there is another thing that u can do aside from holding ur breath. u can breathe from a paper bag so u can inhale the carbon dioxide that uv exhaled. that's the same rationale for holding ur breath. u just have to have a build-up of carbon dioxide so u can get rid of it
the hiccups aren't an illness. They're just something that happens. One of the muscles that helps you breathe starts jerking for no good reason.And that's when you hic.No, The hiccups aren't an illness but they're as unwelcome as a bad cold. They are a big bother.
Most people think they know how to stop hiccups. Just ask them. They'll tell you to hold your breath.Or they may tell you to breathe into a paper bag for a few minutes.Or drink a whole glass of water while you hold your breath.Or get someone to scare you by making a loud noise. Some of these cures seem to work. You can try them.One of them might help you.
Doctors can't do much for the hiccups.There are a few medicines that help you to stop the hiccups sometimes. But most doctors just tell you to wait.Wait till the hiccups go away.
Something about a bad lucky man: Jack O'Leary.He hiccuped about 160 million hics before his hiccups went away. Mr.O'leary Holds the world's record for hiccuping. He hiccuped for eight years, From 1948 to 1956.
What finally cured him? I don't know.Maybe he scared himself with an extra loud HIC!


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