Has anyone here been bullied before? And if so, does it still affect your daily!

Question: I was bullied at school for 5 years, and I'm finding it hard to move on. I'm sensitive by nature anyway but bullying hasn't helped my self-esteem or confidence at all. I'm 18, was bullied between ages 9-14.
i reckon that everyone has been bullied at least once in their life. i use to get bullied all the time when i was in grade prep to 4 for being asian. i was the only one being bullied because of my background. they use to do all sorts of ugly things to me. i was even dacked at one point. they woulds teal my money but rubbish in my bag and call my nasty names. they would even try to get me into trouble and the teacher believes them and did nothing to help me. it all stopped when i was in grade 5 and i somehow became popular. back then i use to hate myself fro bveing asian but then i realized that hey, im not the one complaining and bitching about being asian. i use to hate life so much i wanted to die, but its part of growing up and its just somethig that you experience to learn more about life. oh yeah u answered my question about the paris hilton perfume, where did you read the info about the chemicas that attract the opposite sex? sorry this is the only way for me to contact you/

Other Answers:
Yeah, I was bullied in Jr. High. I put the girl in the hospital finally, after she went too far and royally pissed me off by threatening me with a knife. I haven't been bullied since then.
maybe you need to go see a shrink.You need to leave the past behind you move on with your life.If you know of a child that is being bullied help him or her with their problem so that you can have closure.
I was in school..the earlier grades, but it hasn't affected me
I was bullied at school a lot because i was quiet. But I joined the part time army and it helped my cofidence a great deal and let me move on. Now I am bold and assertive in my life. And people at work who taunted me have more respect and are much more careful how they deal with me. Because I answer back and hold eye contact. Well it worked for me any way because i proved i wasnt the wimp I thought i was. Its all about confidence my friend you just need an activity too give you it.
i was bullied all throughout my entire life, unfortunantly by people they were my 'freinds'.But i did have afew friends that were not bullies, lucky me eh? It has made me very very very tough on the outside and hard to get to know as well as made me very angry towards strangers,not angry in a sense that i would hurt someone with no reason, but angry as in i won't stop myself if they egged me on type of angry.It's made me have a long fuse,but an explsive temper when unleashed, i used to hold in my anger all my life- now i learned how to hone in on it and use it when ever i need to.Being bullied has made me insanly self-concious of myself and it continues to bother, i know it's all in my head and there are no 'real' threats, so it's all good.I realized that bullies are the biggest cowards there are and were most likely victims themselves of horrid abuse of some kind..then i just sit back and laugh silently to myself at the pathetic losers.i think people like bullies should be be the victims of random acts of violence..fatal victims
Bullying is part of nature where the physically strong without Proper mental development take pleasure in bullying the weak.But they keep quiet when a bigger bully appears.In boys school even physical abuse is resorted to which leaves permanent scars.See how USA is bullying Iran!one has to take it as it comes and move on.
This is the point where you need to realize that you are the victom of someone's actions/words. Maybe you were being bullied because this other person was jealous of you? However, you were bullied and not killed. Words hurt but your own actions will speak for themselves.
I was bullied, but than I learned to stand up for myself. That's a bully's greatest fear: lose control. And that happens, as soon as you fight back. Now, that you graduated high school, just move on better things. Forget those not-so-pleasant moments, even if it may seem hard at first.
I was bullied pretty badly in middle school and then, in high school it sorta stopped and people just ignored/rejected me.

It has definately affected me as I don't like myself. I don't think I'm important or good enough as far as like..well, anything I guess. I have a hard time in social situations and trust is a big thing with me. I started cutting to cope and though I rarely do it anymore, it's still always an option in my mind when I'm upset and I will always have the scars. But sometimes, they just remind me that I've gone through sh*t and can take care of myself.

I've been in counseling.and it has helped. I just never get to stay in it long enough to really trust the therapist (insurance issues, etc), but I've still gotten things out of it. I'd really recommend you at least try it.and don't give up if you don't get a therapist you don't click with.find a new one. If yo're going to college next fall, I bet the school will have a counseling center and those therapists are usually free.

Good luck!
I'm 18 2 and when i was little i was always bullied by my neighbor he would always make fun of me..the police were called and played music about how i looked because i wasn't skinny..and i feel now that i don't have alot of self confidence i always think that no one will except me even though i have lost alot of weight it still there .you wont ever forget it but moving on is hard but you have to realize that they were immature and had no confidence in them self so they bullied you to make them self feel good


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