what are signs of over exercise and malnutrition? and what are some effective wa!

This happened to me. I was completely worn out.

I resolved to sit around and eat more. while watching TV and answering questions on Yahoo!.

No, but seriously, If you are underweight, have trouble focusing on what you are doing, skin problems, slow healing.. you may not be getting enough nourishment. You may want to consult a doctor or dietitian.

Overexercise may be more of a compulsive thing, look for:
A. Do you feel guilty if a day goes by when you don't work out?
B. Are you depressed if you are unable to exercise?
C. Do you feel tired and lethargic, yet still have trouble sleeping?
D. Do you have injuries that don't seem to heal?
E. Are you reluctant to take time off to heal injuries?
F. Are you ignoring aspects of your work, social life or family life in order to put exercise first?

If "Yes" to the above, then you may want to consider cutting back.

I don't really have any expertise in these matters, but your health could be at risk. Be careful out there.

Other Answers:
Extreme fatigue, vomiting,(over exercising) emaciated appearance, fuzziness= peach fuzz hair growing on arms and face. This person would need to eat regularly and not have and over zealous workout routine. Balance is the key.
froglips gave the best answer
constantly being tired. feeling like your muscles ache all the time. depression. eat more veggies and cut the exercise back to half an hour a day.


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