What is the best way to treat broncitis & upper respitory infections?!

Ive had it several times and it seems like antibiotics never work. They help but it never goes completely away. But, I recently bought a humidifier and it has helped me tremendously! They arent that expensive, so Id definitely invest in one!

Other Answers:
Bronchitis: From your doctor with a shot of penicillin. Not sure what sort of upper respitory infection you have. But I am certain your doctor can treat that as well..
Use aromatherepy. I'm uaware if you have any other health conditions, so take care as far as the list is concerned ( don't use more oil than recommended ). Make a chest salve by melting an ounce of cocao butter and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil after butter is removed from the heat source ( you can probably melt it in just hot water! ). When mixture is cool, pour into a clean tin, glass or plastic container. Add 10 drops of lavender or 5 drops of eucalyptus or 7 drops of frankincense, or 10 rose or 2 peppermint and stir . . . or you can go (or have someone go for you ) to a specialty health store and purchase a lotion containing one or more of these oils or salt baths with these oils. Also, use a heating pad or hot/cold pack. Warm it in the micro and apply it to your chest. Hope you feel better.


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