How to convince diabetic father in law to go to the doctor?!

Question: Hi! I was wonderinh how to convince my diabetic father in law to go to the doctor. He started feeling sick last Friday. He had horrible mouth pain. He went to the dentist and they took x-rays and told him he didn't have an absest. They gave him antibotics and tylonel with codene and sent him out the door. He said that he has since gone back for more meds. He said no, I asked if they took any blood work he said no. Well yesterday I got a frantic call from his friend that he has falen like 5 times yesterday and couldn't get up. Me and my children stayed the night with him to help him out. He said yesterday he only had a glass of milk because it hurts to chew and swallow. He had been eating soip preraid in the blender. So last night I made him drink diabetic meal replacments to get something in him. He said that he doesn't want to go to the doctor becasue he is supposed to go on Thursday to get his blood drawn for the diabetise. I am concerend that his blood is out of whack.
It sounds like something is out of whack. I know it can be hard to convince someone to go to the doc.but he needs to. Does he check his blood sugar at home? If so, you need to make sure hes checking it and that its doin ok. About his mouth-that doesn't sound right.he needs to go back and speak with the dentist or something because being a diabetic he has got to be able to eat. My father in law is also diabetic..pretty advanced and he has all sorts of "episodes" like falling, weakness, scrambled thoughts, mood swings and fatigue. Diabetes kills so don't worry about being "pushy" or whatever, tell him its for his health, his future so he needs to not wait and just go make sure everything is ok. Good Luck to you!

Other Answers:
that is a toughy my mom also has those problems and will not adhere to what the dr saids. try appealing to his immortal side and let him know people care and love him. may god please bless you and him
That must be hard. Bring him to the hospital while he's sleeping. That's the only way for now.
keep asking him to go, but dont pressure him ok.. keep a eye out for him and be there for support and advise !
Well, if he said that he is going on Thursday that should be well enough. The thing is, if he has made up his mind not to go, there is nothing anyone can do. Nagging probably won't help either so I have no clue. I guess you could call 911 the next time he falls but that might not be so good. I don't know, I would just tell him that it is his life and he shouldn't play with it like that. Then I would leave it alone.
tell him that he could go into diabetic coma if he becomes hypoglycemic again ,especially at work place if he faints again and theres nobody who knows that he needs some sugar immediately . it will be much better if he sees his doc and starts appropriate treatment soon.
I am diabetic. It does sound like his blood sugar is too high. I am type 2 and I know if my sugar level is too high for any length of time then I have sore gums and my teeth hurt.

He needs to go to the Dr. today. I would call his Dr. office and make an appointment for today or you can tell him you are taking him to the emergency room right this minute.

It would be better to do that anyway. He could really sick.

I hope this helps and let us know how it goes?

His sugar is definitely too high. Call the Dr.'s office and tell them about your situation. They may call him in, unknowingly to him, "because of a newly available appointment". Diabetics tend te be very noncompliant and feel that they need to be in control( especially since they cannot control how their sugar is regulated. If possible talk to the Dr. yourself or go to the appointment with him for support. He may not agree but he needs to know that he is playing with his life. Remind him that he is a Dad and Grandfather that is loved and that you need him.
My father is an exnoncompliant father and grandfather. I have worked with diabetics in Dialysis units for over 10 years. Good Luck. DO NOT GIVE UP. Everyone wants to be needed.
Tell him that diabetes that is out of control can cause many other problems. My brother has diabetes and his sugar was always out of control. Then one day his luck ran out, he now has a brain injury because the diabetes consumed his body. He is also considered legally blind. We did not know if he would make it. If that dosent scare him I dont know what would


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