i have a big nose.why is it that people tease me?i am cute.but my nose seems to!

I've struggled with similar problems including my weight and my shape. People will leave you alone only when you are happy with yourself. Then they know "Oh, she doun't caer know morr." Don't worry about them. You probably have good grades. They just want what you have, and since they are too STUPID to have it, they will mess with you to put you down. Remember, all that matters is what you think of yourself. I always say: "Don't let others define you; instead define yourself.(:

Other Answers:
If it bothers you that much you can get a nose job for $4k. BUT, do the best you can to ignore stupid insults, you're better then them.
Don't worry. we all have our little imperfections.
Yeah, I have been watching Dr. 90210 on TLC and saw a lot of those nose job procedures, they all seems satisfied with their new noses.
I'm fat, people tease me all the time. I'm also a christian, so for me it doesn't matter what other people think about me, God love's me for who I am.

Send me a pic at tda0909@yahoo.com
Learn to love yourself just the way you are, I know it is easier said than done because we all want to fit in and belong. People are just ignorant and mean.
Sorry for your situation. Anyone who would tease someone about the body they were born with through no fault of their own is a moron and not worth worrying about.

Notice that I left wiggle room to tease people about stupid tattoos and freaky makeup.
People tease because they are insecure and mean. I think it's wonderful that you think you're cute. That is one of your best defenses when people carelessly make rude remarks.

Continue to take pride in who you are, and don't get too hung up with how other people view you. Beauty comes from within. Have you ever seen Barbara Streisand? She has a prominent nose, but she also has dynamic eyes and a fantastic voice that has made her millions. I'm sure she was teased as a child, but she didn't let it get her down.

You shouldn't either.
Chin up, shoulders back. Put a smile on your face and look people in the eye. God thinks you're beautiful!
when i was in junior high school the kids use to tease me to the point that i didn't want to go to school, then i looked at a lot of celebrities and i realize my nose don't make me i make my nose, don't worry those same people that are teasing you later on they will want u. so don't worry everything will be okay. Always remember u r beautiful no matter what people say.
My friend has a big nose too. i stand up for her so as long as i am around NO one makes fun on her. have a really good friend it will help. i am vegatarien and sometimes people force me into eating meat. its annoying. i care about the enviroment they say nothing can be done with one person being a vegatarien. lol i am in junior high and its diffuclut. i learned to ignor them do the same. lol hope i helped u. :) I HATE people who tease they dont know how much it hurts.
Self confidence will deal witht that!
who are these people? nerds, obviously.

they either accept you/nose and all, or you find other people to call your friends.
in the end you are usually alone. so it will be you and you.
don't let some jealous girls/guys bat at you.
workers/schools are the worst at making you feel like a outsider, they love you and how you react.
bite them. you do not need them, your life is going strong.
thats the exact same thing with me! im cute and all but then my big nose just ruins it. i sometmes get teased. i just ignore it. tell them to stfu and go away and not to care so much about ur nose.
Avoid those trsh people who tease Gods creation.
Be confident.
Hey guess wat, u r not the only 1 in the world who r teased coz of their noses , even me :) i get teased ,SO WHAT? u knw y u have 2 ears? one to let in useful info and the other to throw out crap, as long as 'the inner u' thinks u r cute then thats wat matters. 'Enjoy Life'
Make up will do wonders, you need to see a make up artist. Have them teach you the art of shading.
most people have underlying problems so they point and tease you so they won't be teased. no the nose don't ruin it all, you need to feel good about yourself and be glad life has given you to the ones of us left to admire your openess, personally i like noses of distinction damn it.
just tell them that if you looked up "asshole" in the dictionary a very large picture of there greasy face would be there
as for you if you are willing to have surgery its called "rhinoplasty"
Extreme Makeover
dont worry much bout it.im sure u luk cute anyways. dont c it like an imprefection. u must be beautiful even otherwise
Who cares what they think! You said your cute, so i bet you that you'll find a cute guy and all those people that teased you will be jealous.
If you don't consider it an issue yourself then others won't either. You project your insecurities more then you know.
I can say my husband has a big nose, but I didn't even notice because he was secure with himself and projected that image.
I suppose that maybe your nose ruins it all making an effect of an eagle or a hawk. just like a beak on a bird.
just ignore them, like whatever.i bet your nose makes you all the more cute. we can't be perfect so just embrace it and if you get annoyed by all the teasing then take note of the other person's flaw and tease them about it as well and see how they feel being teased about it. don't get mad, get even.
I have a big one too! I don't get teased much about it but when I do I just laugh with them. That normally works and they just shut up about it! Just think that they are SO insecure about themselves that they have to tease someone to feel better! LOL, Losers!
get a nose job if it bothers ya..or turn the tables around
.i have big lips..look chinese.and broke all the time.
i wont get a surgery.i make fun of my self..the more am o.k with it people are o.k with it
I dont know how you look but I have seen many attractive women with big noses. My last girlfriend had a big nose and she was the sexiest girl I have ever dated. Email me your pic onegcds@gmail.com
Dont let those people try to put you down. They are just insecure about themselve. them might not have any noticable "flaus" but we all have them. Dont change your self by getting a nose job. You should like who you are no matter what. If your not happy with yourself then the only things that people will see is a larger nose.
think about it if you let it bother you than they will notic emore and make fun of you ashley simpson has a big nose and people like her i have a huge nose but it looks okay innthe front and the rest of my face looks okay.. if i don think about it and walk around confident i get alot of hot guys
I can't answer you question for you,..some people are mean and ignorant! I can give you a make-up trick if you are intersted,..buy a foundation a bit darker than your natural color,.use this to contour your face (you can buy contouring cream but its expensive) shade the sides of your nose and down the bride of your nose. Use a sponge to blend in the line,.I recommend Maybeline Mouse,..it blends easily. I wish I had a website to direct you to about contouring, but I don't,.Light make-up colors make things stand out, dark colors make them diminish,.
Cosmetology school.


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