i'm bolemic can u tell me what to do?!

Question: well i have been bolemic for about 3weeks now and i don't know how to stop. any advice
Get psychological help. It could be just talking to your doctor about the effects of bulimia. You could burn your espohagus (the tube going from mouth to stomach), you could develop ulcers, you could weaken the sphincter muscle at the top of your stomach, you could rot your teeth, you could burst blood vessels in your eyes, etc. And that's not even talking about the starvation issue. You need to find out why you're doing this so you can stop before it becomes a habit.

Other Answers:
consult a doctor
Call a crisis line. It is completely anonymous and they can help you better than anyone else. They will give you numbers to call.
You have made the first step yourself by recognizing the problem. Now, you have to take the next step. Call the crisis line, call your parents, best friend, work colleague or a psychologist. Good luck to you
See a Doctor so they can suggest treatment!
umm. i really don't know how to help. maybe u should try to keep yourself busy. like run or something. try to keep your mind away from throwing up. hope that helped.
Go to a football game where there are no pleasurable portapotties to throw up in, and eat alot. go to a friends house afterwards, eat, and do not allow yourself into the bathroom without supervision. i kno it sounds gross....so pick a female friend.
go to a doctor and maybe if u can try to eat and not lie about not eating
Avoid provoking foods, thoughts, pictures, and situations and find a trusted advisor, like a doctor, to help you. I wish you the best. This problem is not bigger than you.
you should get help from a doctor and try to keep away from the toilet,sink ect. and keep your mind off of it!
You need to get to a doctor/therepist immediately before this behavior goes on too long. Something obviously triggered this so you need to find out what and why you chose this as the solution to your problem. If taken care of now you can save your self the devestating effects that eating disorders cause. They harm not only you, but the people that love you suffer as well. Best of luck. I hope you get well soon.
1st--You can learn how to spell Bulimic
2nd--You NEED to go see a counseler, therapist or other professional who is an expert in your disorder.You will probably not find an eating disorder specialist on youqa answers!


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