Who in here cuts?!

Question: does anyone in here cut? i do, and i was just seeing how many other people do it also..
I do. Probably won't ever stop entirely.

I don't really think that the way that I cut is dysfuctional, though. I think that cutting can be dysfuctional, but anything can be.

I used be a very strong cutter. I would cut all the time, anytime I was ever even the slightest bit upset. I would have to cut before I went to bed or else I couldn't sleep. I would cut before eating (punishment) and pretty much every hour of the day. That was dysfuctional.

Dysfuction comes when you NEED it, or cannot fuction properly without it.

Cutting, I feel, is direction connected to my parents. Now the only time that I cut is when I cannot escape the situation another way. When I'm in my room and they are yelling and I can't leave and I just feel so compressed so tired so powerless so controlled.I cut, and I will calm down enough so I can just go to sleep. Put the situation aside. I don't feel like that is dysfuctional.

Nor do I feel like cutting is always produced by a need for attention..I never did it for attention. I scorn those who do it for attention. It mars to honor of those who actually find solice in blood release.

Other Answers:
cut what?
I do.
I used to do it constantly, and I now I do it once in a while if I'm really depressed. It's really a bad habit, though.
used to but not anymore! I decided to quit doing it one day and I did.
i think thats a really personal question. some people might be open enough to tell you, and thats very brave of them, but dont expect realistic numbers. many people do, jus accept that.
i do. but it's not a good thing, and u should try to stop.
Please go talk to someone about it. I don't cut but I can get very very depressed sometimes. Is there a pastor, parent, friend, teacher, anyone, you can talk to? Please please please tell someone what you are doing, in stead of asking others what they do. Go get help before it turns suicidal. It might seem hard now, but things will turn out better, just keep going, and please talk to someone! It could save your life.
For all of you who cut, stop. What is it with mutilating yourselves. Get a scissor and paper and cut out snow flakes or something.
I don't
Lots of people do it, and it's not like everyone is proud of it, and not everyone is going to tell you either. So if they do then you have your answer, but if not then I know about 7 or 8 people who do cut.


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