What is the best, fastest way of exercising to work lower abs?!

There are a few things you can do:

1) Incline Crunches (with or without weight): Use the benches they have at the gym and raise them so your feet are higher than your head and do situps. Try to do 20-30 of these and if this is too easy, hold x pound bar bell weight in your hands across your chest and do situps.

2) Reverse situps: You can either use a machine or the edge of your bed to do these. If you are using the bed, lean over the bed with your hips on the edge of the bed, your head over the bed and the bottom portion of your body on the bed with someone holding your ankles. Bend Your Upper Body down until you cant go any more (make sure you crunch your abs at this position well), then return to the starting position parralel to the ground. (again you can add weight if this is too easy).

3) Leg Lifts: There are two variations of this. Both you have to be suspended in the air (put your arms inside the loops that hang under the pullup/dip bar at the gym and do one of two things. A) Begin your legs pointing straight down and pull your legs into a "cannonball" position without using your hands, repeat. B) You can hold your legs straight down and pull them parallel to the ground keeping them straight.

Hope this helps you deviate from the boring situp/crunch!

Other Answers:
I'm no expert, but I think the quickest way is sit-ups, which are easy to do at home.
I'm sorry. But, honestly there are no shortcuts. Like the commercial says, "JUST DO IT". Honestly, everyone has the 6 pack stomach. It's the amount of fat that surrounds the area that needs to be removed.Then your pack will show.
First of all you should eat healthy, and say bye-bye to smoking, drinking and even soft drinks! Then every morning after pee do pranayams. Do Kapalbhati pranayam for 20 mins every morning and see the result within a week! But you should be honest and do it regularly. For more info on pranayams watch Aastha channel at 8:30 pm everyday. Swami Ramdevji will show you.


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