why is it that i can see things crawling in front of my eyes when i stare?like d!

Henry is correct, they are called floaters. Some people have them all them time, others have them only when they cough or sneeze, some people never experience them. I would have your eyes checked to be safe, make sure that is a natural occurrance and not something else going on.

Other Answers:
You are seeing what is known as "floaters." The more tired you are, the more you see.
They're coming to take you away!!!
I was told it was small dust particles in the fluid of your eyes (not your tears). The body will eventually clear it out.
Squiggly, moving dots.Hmmm.absolutely normal!

Having said that, it's good practice to get one's eyes examined once in a while.
Floaters. This is more likely to happen as you get older however I have them and I'm only 27. Often there is no 'cure' for this but I would see an eye doctor just in case.
I get them quite often. They are known as "floaters". They occur when its a clear day or if u are tired.
These are small particles in the moisture of your eyes. Similar to looking through microscope. Your eyes are changing focal point.
most people expeience this to get rid of them instantly close your eyes for a few seconds and move your eyes up and down ei look towards floor look to wards the sky 3or 4 times and they'r e gone good aint it don't worry be happy at least you can see them.
if it happens frequently and you are under stress or just having a normal day, it could verry well be an ocular migrain. it is kinda like a headache in the lense of your eye . i get bad ones with little squiggley lines and suff in front of me when i concentrate on something like when im driving or writing stuff like that. look it up on web md .com its might be helpfull
when you stare? coz your eyes are stuck ...lol..shake your head darlin
more precisely, these fuzzy dots are called vitreous floaters - known in the medical profession as "parum pulex" (little fleas). the fluid inside of the eye, over time, will congeal causing these "floaters" - some will dissolve. they are most noticable when staring into lighted background and you move your eye quickly; you'll see the floaters moving around inside your eyeball.
You may sometimes see small specks or clouds moving in your field of vision. They are called floaters. You can often see them when looking at a plain background, like a blank wall or blue sky. Floaters are actually tiny clumps of gel or cells inside the vitreous, the clear jelly-like fluid that fills the inside of your eye.

Floaters may look like specks, strands, webs or other shapes. Actually, what you are seeing are the shadows of floaters cast on the retina, the light-sensitive part of the eye

For most people, floaters occur as they grow older. The vitreous humor thickens and clumps as we age, and floaters result from the clumped vitreous gel. Sometimes pregnant women see spots caused by little bits of protein trapped within the eye. Eye injury or breakdown of the vitreous humor may also cause spots and floaters.

When people reach middle age, the vitreous gel may start to thicken or shrink, forming clumps or strands inside the eye. The vitreous gel pulls away from the back wall of the eye, causing a posterior vitreous detachment. It is a common cause of floaters, and it is more common for people who:

are nearsighted;
have undergone cataract operations;
have had YAG laser surgery of the eye;
have had inflammation inside the eye.


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