What is the best cure for pimples and its marks?!

Question: Which product is good for it and which type of natural remedy is good for it?
You can use Neutrogena bar. Wash your face with potato juice. Apply yogurt with lemon juice and don't allow it to dry.You should wash your face within 5 minutes.You should also avoid eating oily food and chocolate.

Other Answers:
I've been prone to break out every now and again and one thing I found that definitely controls them is ProActive. I absolutely love. Right after I started using it my face really cleared up and it stayed clear. I just ran out about a week ago and need to order more and in the mean time I've noticed the break out are slowly coming back. I'm a big believer in it. Check out there website. They try and sell you a whole package but I just used the actual face wash every morning and it totally control it.
I worked for a Dermatologist. The best thing is washing your face 2-3 times a day with Ivory soap. Also, change your pillow case regularly.


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