I am always sleepy in class. How do I keep myself awake?!

Your snoring could contribute to your tiredness throughout the day. I just go to Starbucks and get a frapacino or something.

Other Answers:
get a complete 7-8 hours of sleep every night
Go to bed..... NOW!
try to ask questions in the class. be interactive.
Go to bed and get at least 8 hours of sleep!
drink coke and eat a snicker
Your diet is making you sleeping try and eat good healthy foods that give energy sometime having an assortment of nuts on hand for that little pick me up always helps or a piece of fruit
Chew some gum or suck on a sucker. It'll keep your mind off of sleeping for a while.
Since I cant sleep at night myslef, I sometime realy on coffee or my trusty Caffine pills. Take in moderation and do not become dependant on them.
Get enough sleep the night before.

By the way, not getting enough sleep is bad for your health. Not enough sleep is one of those things that hurt you without you realizing it. The effects accumulate and weaken your body against many health problems. Then when you get sick, and it can be something serious, you'll never tie the cause back to the lack of sleep.

When I was in my late teens and spending a lot of nights partying late into the night, I ended up in the hospital with mononucleosis.

Take care of yourself if you want to live a long life.
go to bed early (not exxtreemly early)

how many hours of sports/activites after school do ya do?

if you do a lot, you might want to(gasp) cut down if it goes too late

i'm a dance and dance is my passion, but i can't take classes starting @ 9 on weekdays

Fundamentally, it would be better if you slept early the night before to keep awake in class. But I know this isn't a very realistic expectation for everyone.

I suggest natural ways to stay awake.try to do some light exercise before your class; it'll wake your whole body up and your brain will focus better.

If you don't have time for this, try to do homework/read class notes before class (you have to do it anyway) and note questions that you would like answered in lecture. This will keep you somewhat interested in the lecture and attentive for your question to be answered.

Also, try to sit next to someone who can't see well (no, I'm not joking). 9 times out of 10, that person will be asking you questions about what's on the board, so you will have to stay awake and attentive to answer the questions. And if you don't want to answer that person's questions, at least that person will talk you into staying awake or talk loud enough next to you to keep you awake.

If ALL else fails, try caffeine. It works, of course, but you'll feel super tired when it's effects wear off.
Drinking ice water can help wake one up, without the calories of candy or developing a caffiene addiction (which is easy to do while in school). In general, I think it is easier to pay attention, stay awake and get good grades if one sits closer to the front of the class.

If you are in college rather than high school, it would help to schedule your classes around the times when you are wider awake. (No 8 or 9 am classes if you are an afternoon person.) Try to get more sleep than you think you may need. Try to eat as healthy as possible, take vitamins and get exercise. I know, easier said than done, but it helps.

Try to get up early enough in the morning to shower, have breakfast, and just wake up, so you feel fresher when you walk out the door. Also try to keep a consistent schedule even on weekends. If you stay up a lot later on Friday and Saturday, you get off schedule and are more likely to have trouble falling asleep Sunday night, hence you feel tired on Monday.

Consider seeing a doctor if things don't improve regarding your sleepiness.
Are you getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night? If you do, and wake up feeling just as tired as before you went to sleep, consult your doctor. ;) It could be something like Sleep Apnea or an autoimmune disease. You probably don't, but there is nothing to lose by being careful, eh?


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