I want to get in better shape what can I do Workouts, food, any advice?!

Exercises/food for better shape?

There is a rejuvenation secret from ancient Tibet for fitness and shape. Easy to do, yet, powerful. Miracles have been reported from doing these 6 exercises, e.g. Rejuvenation, return of the natural hair color, overcoming of ailments etc. The exercises are called "The Six Tibetan Rites." They are available for downloading as Cosmic LeafTM No. 1, at www.biochakra.com, for $3. A book on the Rites is also available at book stores.

Food: fat, if liked, in the morning, it is said to add pounds when eaten toward the evening. Flax oil helps burn fat, when consumed in the morning. Helps the liver cleanse. Organic food seems best. For fat free cooking: Roman Pot (clay pot; Internet), needs no fat, is quick and easy to use. Food tastes great, better than steamed or fried. Soak pot for 10 minutes in water while you prepare the vegetables. Fill them in the pot. close the lid. Bake n the over at 425 degrees F for 1 hour, while you are doing fun things. Take the pot out and fill the vegetables into a dish. Cover with East Indian sauce (Korma or Dum Alu), sauce Hollandaise or a self-made one from Veganese, use spices, salt, butter or olive oil on the vegetables if liked. Fill leafy greens always into the pot first, since they may dry out when on top.

Dinshah Color MedicineTM: May help to stay lean and build muscles (www.biochakra.com).

Green tea: It said to help lose weight.

Apple cider vinegar: may help to lose weight. 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar on a cup of water, brown sugar added to taste. Research just found that vinegar, when taken straight before meals, helps to keep the blood sugar balanced.

Wishing you brimming trimming success!
Cordially, India.Magica

Other Answers:
go vegetarian or vegan
read Eat right for your bloodtype
I joined the local YMCA and go there 5 days a week. I use the exercise bike--the one with the back rest--and use it for 40 minutes and then the treadmill, walking, for 20 minutes, and the fat on my stomach is melting off like magic. I will be adding light weight lifting soon to build muscle.
I am also avoiding sugar and white flour products and eating a salad every day. I drink a protien shake for breakfast every day.
My body is quickly changing into a great firm shape.
I am totally dedicated and actually ENJOY it.
That gym is my sanctuary and my mind is so much more stress free also.
BUY the THe Bible of BOdybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger, hardcore, and more than 1000 pages of pure useful information.
Exercise . . . even if its walking inside your house.
Diet . . . moderation is the key.
Water . . . drink lots of it and nothing else.
Remember that food is an addiction and it will take time to change your behavior patterns. Allow yourself to screw up, but dont give up.
there are many to choose from. But you should try the nutrisystem diet, or the no carbs diet, or you can do the tae bo workout.
u should get a bench that dose upper and lower body. Do upper body one day then lower the next. u should then run 1 or 2 miles every day.
Don't do a fad diet. Listen to your body. Eat slowly and stop eating when you get full. Workout regularly.


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