What are some Web sites or good ways to burn fat fast?!

Walking. Most people only utilize fat as an energy source at a particular level of exercise. The average person won't burn fat by going out and running as fast as they can. Brisk walking 30-40 mins a day is the best (and probably cheapest) way to burn fat. There are other health benefits to walking. If you can't walk try swimming. And I would suggest speaking to your physician before starting to exercise.

Other Answers:
One of the best ways to burn fat is by walking for about an hour at least 4 days a week, and then doing strength training exercises 3 days a week. Also, you need to make sure that you are eating right, and are cutting back on the number of calories you are eating. You can also increase your metabolism to burn more fat by eating a snack between each meal and making the meals themselves smaller.
eat celery and work out relentlessly. stop drinking soda
note: celery has negative calories. takes more calories to eat than the celery actually has
I believe eBay is a website
Run round the block - double fast
best way is not to sit at the computer and search for website. become more active whenever you can.
combine, eating small portions a few times a day and find a way to do physical activity about 20-25 minutes four to five times as week. you can buy very inexpensive cassets or dvd's to work out with at home - at a very low cost. good luck!
Design a diet that will maintain you current lean body mass then take away 500 calories from it. Do some form of resistance training at lest 3 times a week as to not loose any muscle. Do cardio 4 to 5 times a week at between 60% to 70% of you max heart rate (For beginners) 80% to 95% of mhr (For elite athletes) not to exceed 60 minutes per session. Also, do the cardio preferably in the morning on an empty stomach to maximize fat utilization.

PS. When doing the above, DO NOT get on a low fat low carbohydrate diet because you actually need these to effectively and efficiently burn off body fat deposits (No Joke). For the elite athlete you must be consuming enough calories to maintain that mhr else you will begin to deplete you muscle mass.


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