How do you get rid of canker sores?!

Question: It's on the inside of my lower lip and it hurts! I've had it for 3 days and it seems to be getting worse!
My wife suffers from canker sores so I will let her answer this one.
Some ideas that worked for her are as follows:

1. Gargle with salt water or HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (YUK)
2. Use a mouthwash with tea tree oil and rinse with mixture
3. Use COLLOIDAL SILVER as a mouth rince and can be

A preventive is : a thousand millagrams of L-LYSINE twice a day. Use tea tree oil toothpaste and mouthwash.

You may have to keep up the L-LYSINE for several months.

Good luck! I really hope this helps. I know how much dicomfort it is for my wife!

Other Answers:
Ok this one hurts but it works gargle with salt and water at least 5-6 times a day.
Rinse with warm salt water and avoid acidic things like orange juice, pop, citrus fruits, etc. read here
DAMMIT IT HATE CANKER SORES, THEY'RE RETARDS!! My mom tells me that i should eat vitamin c's, the really strong orange flavoured types, and at least take 2 in the morning after breakfast.

It takes pretty long, but hey, THERE VITAMINZ!
You can't, really. Canker sore is caused by a virus, and no drugs can really cure it or speed up the healing process. It has to run its course, once it does, you'll be back to normal. Usually canker sores occur during stressful periods. Your immune system usually can suppress their eruption, but once your body is under stress, canker sores will occur.
buy zinc
avoid acidic foods
Ambesol. It burns then numbs completely in about 3-5 seconds. Then ride it out for 3-5 days
Pepto Bismol. Swish in mouth and let it coat your mouth. Do it at least 4 times a day.
Put toothpaste on it for 2minutes. It will sting but it will kill the germs.

cup water in your hands and suck in the water into your mouth and repeat, the suction will extract the pus. do this 3 times a day.

Don't eat spicy, and salty foods that may aggravate it.
It's NOT a virus (popular myth)
Could be caused by stress
Could be genetic
Could be caused by metabolism
Could be deficiency of Lysine (amino acid)
Tea helps
Avoiding acid foods helps (sodas)
Good oral hygiene helps
Orajel helps
Used to get them when I was younger


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