what is the best way to lose 20 poundes in a month ?!

Question: am 15 years old and i wanna lose 20 poundes
Hate to break this to you, but it's essentially impossible to lose 20 lbs in a month, even if you ate almost nothing and ran 10 miles a day. Fat contains 3500 calories per pound so you would have to use almost 3000 more than you took in per day. That is the equivalent of running about 30 miles per day!

Try about 1 to 2 lbs per week as a realistic goal and don't let water weight fool you.sweating is not real weight loss.

Other Answers:
diet and excersize
Your only 15..are you just trying to be ultra skinny or can you really say that your overweight? I hate to say it but its not safe for anyone to lose 20 pounds in one month. The only people who can get away with that are considered obese and even for them losing that much weight that fast poses risks. If your really concerned about your weight talk to your doctor.everything you tell him/her is confidential
Listen. It would be great if it were possible to lose that much weight in a month and keep it off. But its just not. You will gain it back. It sucks but we all have to face that fact that you can only lose 1-2 lbs per week to be able to even think about keeping it off. If you really are desperate or have some special occasion coming up. I have personally seen very quick results doing the atkins diet for a few weeks, sticking to the first phase, and if u add exersize, it should happen even faster. NO its not that healthy, and YES you will most likely gain all the wight back, and it TOTALLY drains you of energy. but hey-- for the moment it works. I dont reccommend doing that alot..but sounds like u have an occasion cxoming up.
well u can eat what you want in small portions,drink lots of water exercise of course. but you can eat whatever you wish in tiny potions many times a day the key is to burn more calories then you take in! water water water!
20 pounds is a dangerous amount of weight to lose in a month. I am very concerned by this question because when a teenage girl wants to lose a large amount of weight, it can be a sign of an eating disorder. I suggest you talk to your parents, a doctor, and a mental health professional.
depending on your metabolism, you could actually run 10 miles a day and take off that much if you focus on protein intake and supplements instead of full meals. The difficult thing will be for you to run long enough to get your "second wind" where your body stops using the glucose in your body and begins burning the fat. You burn more calories joggin on the street than you do in the gym. I encourage you to wear heavy clothing, sweatshirts, hoodies, etc. to accelerate sweating.


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