If a man is carrying a yeast infection that he got from his partner, then what c!




To the person who suggested an antibiotic. Antibiotics are one of the numberone causes of yeast infections. You need the opposite of an antibiotic. A probiotic. Just as antibiotics cause diahrea beacase of an imbalance of beneficial/harmful bacteria in you rgut the balance is also out in your genital area. An antibiotic will only exacerbate you r problem. And a yeast infection is something that you want immediate relief.

Only caveat: You may want to make very sure you have only a yeast infection since many stds present the same symptoms. Its very rare for a male to get a yeast infection unless other heath issues are present. Most stds are very treatable and not treating them can lead to long term health problems.

Other Answers:
You need an antifungal cream or powder. There are ones you can buy without a prescription and also ones that are by prescription. Look for ones that have the same ingredients as the ones for women. Keep the affected area clean and dry.
Dryness is very important. There is an antifungal powder available that claims to be drying. It's not as cheap as regular powders but may be worth trying.
Same thing your partner would do, use monostat 2 or 7.
you can also call her gynocoligist and tell them that you got a yeast infection from your partner, and ask them to prescribe an antibiotic for you. Most doctors have no problem doing this. then you don't have to deal with messy creams and all that.
The easiest way to get rid of her is to tell her to leave. PAck all her things and set them outside the door. Or post personal information about her on internet sites. That's a sure fire way to get rid of her in the end.
Both partners should take acidipholus (a probiotic) and do not have intercourse or perform oral with each other for at least 7 days to aviod passing it back and forth. If it does not clear up in 7 days see a doctor (both partners) you don't need to go to a OBGYN you can go to a regular doctor for this.


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