Birth control and spotting?!

Question: So it says on the birth control pamphlet that if you are taking the pills and you are spotting or if you've just had intercourse, i should call the clinic and ask. But no one was there.

I did just have intercourse and now i'm spotting.what does that mean?
For any of you on the shot you need to worry about bone loss! That also goes for other progesterone only birth control such as depoprovera. TAKE YOUR VITAMIN D and DRINK MILK OR TAKE CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS! Also, it would be wise to look at other birth control methods besides the shot after 2 years.i get this straight from my pharmacist sister in law.

What you describe is called DUB.or Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding. It is the nuber one complained of symptom of chemical contraceptives in general. You do need to contact your physician about it to rule out other modalitiels and seqella but for now, you're just fine :)

Other Answers:
Intercourse can sometimes cause tiny tears in your vaginal canal, which can bleed. You may want to switch to a birth control with a higher dose of estrogen, which can help prevent spotting.
I have spoted before being on the shot. I have been on it for like 5 years and nothing has ever happen to me so i think you u be okay inless u feel like something is wrong than i would get checked out! good luck!


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