Which one of your senses could you manage without?!

Question: Think about this carefully, this one's hard!
Taste for sure this way I can eat the stuff I hate that is good for you and I will feel and look better.

Other Answers:
Absolutly taste, then you would not want to eat so much, wish I could get rid of my taste now.
A sense of decency. I have been making out pretty well without it for this long.
the sense of hearing. I think I could live without it, as long as I could see what people were saying! I mean you can still read lips, and see all the beautiful things. Without sight would be the worse!
smell, i think that is least important to me
Taste, I don't really need!
I could go just fine with out smelling.sometimes you wish you didnt breath.
mmh maybe no fingers~! lol !
its a toss up between taste and smell, either would help with over eating..
I could do without hearing because I wouldn't be able to hear people's negativity. I also couldn't hear a baby crying,(no kids,not a problem),I wouldn't be able to hear the wife complaining,(again, not a problem),I wouldn't be able to hear the boss bitching(big plus!).I would miss music, but anything good I've heard a million times anyway and new music pretty much sucks. It would be hard to watch TV but that's why there's closed captioning. You couldn't hear the phone ring but it doesn't ring anyway because I'm on here answering questions!


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