Trying to loose weight but I get many sweet cravings throughout the day any sugg!

Question: most days I have cravings for sweets chocolate, candy etc.
I don't eat very much but I do like to eat snacks late at night and mainly sweet stuff. I do some forms of exercise throughout the day. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to cut the craving for sweets? thanks
The less sugar you eat, the less you crave it. You have to go through a pretty tough period of avoiding sweets, and you will see that after a while you won't crave them anymore.
In the meantime, eat fruit. Don't eat late at night (not for 4 hours before going to sleep), and if you feel you want to snack on something, drink a glass of water, and only then turn to fruit.

Other Answers:
try brushing your teeth when a craving hits.
everyone has sweet cravings. you just have to learn to deal with them and fight harder. the main thing is to try to NOT eat anything past 8 or 9 o clock. that's good you do a little exercise. a little is better than none. if you can't control your "sweet craving episodes" try to get sugar free candy!
try sleeping earlier. and when u want sweets get an orange or something healthy. there are things that are sweet that isnt candy.
When i get a craving for sweets what i do is I fill my self with water. It really help me becuase after I am full with water the craving is gone.
eat pickles instead you lose the sweet craving and not as fattening
This may seem silly, but stop eating!

When you feel hungry, have something small. Maybe of glass of milk or juice, or a single slice of bread.

Or, alternatively, listen to your body and go to bed before getting hungry.
spread out your main meals, so instead of eating 3 meals a day, divide them out into smaller portions and eat 6~7 times a day. Than you will cut down the time between your meals and less time for cravings~^_^
i have the same problem. chew gum often and snack on baby carrots ro other healthy snacks. eat some sweets because you dont want to go crazy, but try to cut down. do things to keep your mind off of candy and sweets
drink more water. it will fill you up faster and distract you. everytime you get a craving, just drink the water. it can get annoying but it really does work.
eat something healthy until you are full.
Exercise. Physical activity can reduce hunger
Atkins Diet
Try eating fresh fruit or raw veggie..
I'm always trying to handle my huge sweet tooth.. what I do is i eat a sweet fruit. Especially citrus fruit. Citric acid helps burn fat.
If you cut them out all together, after two weeks your body would no longer crave them. I understand if this is hard to do, I like sweets myself & some people are apt to crave them more if they deprive themselves & snacks in moderation can be all right. You may want to limit them to during the day, however, when you may need a pick-me-up & are still burning calories throughout the day rather than eating them right before you go to bed.
If I eat chocolate, I eat dark chocolate---not only because I prefer it but since it is richer in flavour you can eat less & still be satisfied.
Try having a cup of hot tea or a hot cup of cocoa instead of candy. Warm beverages seem to curb my appetite and make me feel full. I will sip on it throughout the day and by time it is gone, it is time for my next meal.
I'm glad that you're trying to lose weight. I'm also trying to lose weight. What I have found effective for me is eating everything that I normally indulge in with moderation. Just having bits and pieces of something I really love without over doing and and causing me to feel guilty. Good luck.
go to the local health food store (not GMC) and ask them for Candida Cleanse herbal supplement. these are herbal pills u take to rid your body of excess yeast. most people, especially overweight people have an overgrowth of yeast in their colon, and since yeast grows on sugar and fat, that why u have cravings.
take the whole bottle when u get it (probably last about a month), follow directions on the bottle and drink LOTS of water. this works wonders and helps loose weight.
i recomended this to a friend of mine who was 5'3 and 250 lbs, now she is 190 lbs, due to exercise and this cleanse b/c before she had the same issue as u do. see the link
best of luck sweety! :)
if u really want a sweet sanck, then have fruit or dried fruit like raisins, they are very sweet and wont pile on the weight. late at night is the worse time to eat as your body doesnt get to burn of the calouries so u may need some will power here! good luck!
Go on a low carb diet . no more than 20 grams a day . and after 4 days you'll lose all cravings for sweets guaranteed!
You will probably never control your cravings. The key is to control how much you give into them. Moderation is the key. I love Oreos but never eat more than three in one sitting. (three per day)
Two thoughts:
Your small treat at the end of the day is your reward for the hard work you put in all day on your "diet". And.
Just knowing that treat is waiting for your at the end of the day makes a big difference in your attitude. Good Luck
I chew a sugarless gum when i get a craving, Altoids also makes a chocolate mint which helps for the chocolate cravings that hit once a month (wink)
I too have the same problem - love sweets, but I bought these yummy little tomatoes and I keep them out on the counter and when I get a craving I eat a couple of them and go do something else and it passes. They have a sweetness to them but aren't sweets and it fills that void. I take a handfull with me to bed and much on them when I read before I go to sleep.


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