Anyone know an easy, quick way to improve circulation?!

Question: My hands are always freezing cold, which can be irritating when it comes to shaking people's hands and whatnot. Anyone have any herbal remedies?
cinnamon extract, ginko biloba, hawthorne berry.vitamin E.cayenne pepper, up on these and pick what you are comfortable with..

Other Answers:
i've been having the same problem for years, i feel for you.
do cardio excersize (its not herbal though)
well i have no herbal remedies for u but i can advice u to do more activitys with your hands like sqeezing a tenis ball or a softer ball do this several times a day , masaging your hands , arms can also improve the circulation , u may want to change your diet some things in your diet can contribut to circulation problems as well as medication , if the problem bugs u alot go see a doctor there may be other things contributing to this condition
Rebounding. That is like a mini trampoline, cleans lymphatic cystem and improve circulation. Try even simple jump rope. Good luck.
THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) is a vasodilator. It expands your vessels, allowing more blood flow, particularly to the extremities.
Avoid tobacco cigarettes, which are a vasoconstrictor, and will close capillaries in the extremities.
The best way to improve circulation is to walk. If you walk at least 2-3 times a week, you will feel better and the symtoms you are experiencing may completely disappear. massage of the feet is also a helpful way.
I have bad circulation too, and really low blood pressure. Anything with a 'heating' quality, I mean herbs, will help. Ginseng is good. Also, yoga. I don't mean fancy yoga, just basic yoga stretches, very good.
exercise more to get blood flowing.
Avoid caffeine and cigarettes, and exercise. These are the best easiest ways to get circulation going.
Those chinese meditation balls are supposed to improve circulation to the extremeties. I'm sure any basic excerecise would do the same. Don't mind warning you that bad ciruclation is probably a bad sign of other things!
Go get weekly massages from a licensed massage therapist.


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