I need to lose weight, but I have trouble breathing so exercising is very hard,!

Do you have asthma or are you morbidly obese?

Talk to your doctor.

Other Answers:
You need to exercise. Talk to your doctor about which exercises are safe for you and start small. As you build your strength, you should be able to do more.
Try a vegetarian died like I do . You can have fish and dairy products too. For 3 months I did not eat anything after four pm and I lost 20 lbs.
Bunnie and Deborah I have a great idea for both of you.

Pilates or Yoga would be awesome. Both of them are great for burning calories and they are both concentrated on core building. To be honest all of them work just about the same so it doesnt matter who you buy. They all come on different levels, so start on level one and then progress.

Yoga and Pilates use the weight of the body as resistance to challenge the muscles to become stronger. Yoga has more standing exercises that develop leg strength as well as balance. Pilates is mostly done lying on your back, on your stomach, on your side and sitting down. That's why I like to do both forms of exercise to have a good blend of standing and mat exercises.

Yoga also tends to have more exercises that challenge the upper body (chest, upper back, arms) than Pilates does unless you are doing machine-based Pilates, in which case the springs attached to the machines deliver sufficient resistance to strengthen the upper body muscles.

Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise is any exercise that is done continuously for 15 to 60 minutes or more while using the arms and legs in a rhythmic fashion. The goal of aerobic exercise is to increase the amount of blood pumped per beat to improve the efficiency and stamina of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Examples are walking, running, swimming, dancing, etc.

It's not that easy to calculate how many calories you burn in yoga and Pilates since the intensity of the class depends on the kind of exercises being done and the strength level of the class participants.

In general, a 130-pound person would burn approximately 260 calories an hour for a light to moderate Pilates mat-class and 236 calories for a yoga class. "Intense" Pilates would burn approximately 346 calories while an intense yoga class would burn about 400 calories per hour.

Your weight affects how many calories you burn (the more you weigh, the more calories you burn), so use the following formula to make it more accurate: Divide the number of calories burned by 130 pounds. Multiply the answer by your weight in pounds.

For example, divide 260 calories by 130 pounds. The answer is 2 calories per pound. Multiply that by 110 pounds. The answer is 220 calories.

No doubt, Pilates has the most number of exercises that focus on the abs, waist, and trunk. Almost every variation you can think of for the abs is offered in Pilates. If abdominal and waist whittling is what you are looking for, Pilates is the ticket for you. This is not to say that yoga will not strengthen your abs and trunk because it will but Pilates just has much more focus on that area.

I recommend pilates for clients who have been working out for a while and need a change. I recommend yoga for clients who are overly stressed. I personally prefer pilates for me, andI even incorporate them into weight workouts.
Me - fitness expert, nutrition and life coach
Ok this is what you do. Watch what you eat first. I am not saying starving yourself, but take out that extra fatty foods.(South Beach Diet is Great)! For exersize swim! That is a great way to loose wait on not work to hard! GOOD LUCK!
South Beach Diet. It totally works. I know about a dozen people who this has worked for and you really aren't dieting you just make better choices as to what you eat. YOu get to eat full meals. But you have to cut bread, pasta, and sugars. After a week though, you don't miss it. I lost 16 lbs in 2 months on this diet.
I have the exact same problem and can walk for about half an hour but slowly. I then need to sleep most of the next day to recover. I think I need to have great willpower and just slowly build myslef up. I walked five times a week for a year and never got to the point where I could even jog slowly and always had to sleep a lot afterward. I joined the nearby YMCA and use the exersize bike and treadmill and take a yoga class but they all exhaust me so bad. I have chronic bronchitis.
I'm a thick girl myself, & exercising gets me out of breath. Yet, walking isn't so bad. You don't have to walk fast, just walk at a normal speed.The more often that you do it, you'll see that you can handle more, & breath easier.Then you can increase your speed, & before you know it, you can do other exercises.Drink plenty of water, get on a healthy diet, & you should be just fine.

Good luck!
do ya eat to live or live to eat- a wise grandmother once said
my brain
There is a soup diet that they use for Haert patients that have to lose weight before they can opperate.
Speak to your nursing staff who specialize in the cardiac icu at one of your local hospitals.
if you don't come right E-mail me, i will try and get you the diet, with instructions.
I lost 55 lbs without exercising because I hate exercising! I just cut everything I ate in half and drank water, 24/7! I also never eat after 6:00pm. I hate diets and I don't like diet food and was able to eat anything I wanted, even big lunches but I wouldn't eat anything else that day. I usually eat just one meal a day but if I ate dinner, it would only be a half portion and NEVER after 6.remember.drink water, drink water, drink water! I go through a gallon and a half a day!
I just want to add an 'amen' to JT-- I do yoga and it's a lot easier than my martial arts (tae kwon do black belt!) on my asthma. not only that, I find it reduces my anxiety tremendously (I have clinical anxiety, social phobia and OCD) it's really enjoyable
try taboo
WHAT to eat for losing weight

• Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially NC (negative calorie) food.

* Print these lists. They will be your . "Bible", from now on !
* Dill and parsely - include them in all your salads. Also ognion + garlic.
* Try eat mostly fresh vegs & fruits (whenever possible, of course)
* If you really want a book, then check this out: The Negative Calorie Diet Workbook & Cookbook - eBook (Win95/98 only). Read more about this e-book here.

• Eat fish, chicken, beef, pork. (preferences are in this order)

* If you are a vegetarian, then ignore this!
* Avoid fat meat

• Eat 2-3 slices of bread/day. Don't EVER exclude bread from your diet!

• Snacks between meals (if needed): apples, oranges, grepfruits and other NC fruits

* Don't cheat . NO cookies, chips, candies, brownies etc!
* EVEN if they have "low fat" indication. They might have low fat, yet they can have lots of CALORIES !

• About rice, potatoes, beans, [xxx]nuts, pastry, pasta. you know!

* Don't eat too much of those, at least during the first weeks of the diet. I'm not a low carb addict, but I've noticed weight gains if consuming those in large quantities, especially when associated with other foods.
* If you like them a lot, try and eat them like one meal. A nice delicious plate of spaghetti could be your lunch (never dinner!), followed by a nice big apple. These rich starch foods are not good for dinner!
* At dinner time, chose mainly large mixed veggies salads. with fish, lean meat or cheese (if you are not a vegetarian).

if u want to lose weight the best food to it are baked potatoes with nothing on it. no salt no nothing just plain. u can eat a 10000000000 baked potatoes till ur stuff and not gain a pound. i heard that from a weight loss tape. the best drink is water or gatorade. thats a start then when you work out do some taeboo. if u want a macine. run with dumbells on a treadmill. u could do the rocky workout. but thats a new story. u could use a butterfly macine i think it works the abs

1) It is not just the amount you eat, but what you eat. Lean meats and vegtables that snap are a good place to start. And by snap I mean fresh and not boiled or doused with better or whatever.

2) Exercise moderatly but for about an hour every other day. Spend half of that walking or running at a good enough pace for you to feel labored. The other half of the time use weights, or exercises such as push ups or situps to get a muscle "burn". A gym is also an option, but I don't know if you have the money for or want to spend the money on it.

3) Sleep well. To bed earlier and up earlier. Exercise in the morning when you wake up, not in the evening before bed. 7 hours of GOOD sleep is a must.

4) Occupy yourself with a hobby that keeps your attention for a long period of time. A hobby like this keeps your mind focused and gives less of a chance for snacking from boredom.

That is a good place to start. if you see good results, keep it up and modify to fit you. if it does not, see a doctor AND a trainer

Keep working out, drink water a lot, eat 5 to 6 meals a day but in small quantities, vegtables are important specially cucumber and lattice, fruits not be eaten after meals except by 2 to 3 hours, minimize the starch quantities in your meals lots of salad is important, your last meal must be before you sleep by 2 to 3 hours
the most important thing is you don't lose patient wait and have a strong will to be as what you want

you might have some more ideas from www.ivillage.com

good luck


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