I have a really big ulcer in my mouth on my tongue, any suggestions on how to ge!

Question: i would really appreciate it..thank you.
Unfortunately there is not a way to get rid of mouth ulcers very quickly. They hurt no doubt. Swishing with warm salt water several times a day will help with the soreness. Don't eat anything acidic or spicy. Stay with bland foods for several days. You can even put a wet tea bag on it for several minutes, this will sooth it. I would not use Listerine, as it contains a high amount of alcohol and will only sting your mouth like crazy. You can take some Tylenol or Advil to help ease some of the discomfort. The research is still out as to what causes "canker sores" which is different then cold sores. It is a given that people seem to get them in higher times of stress, or when you have been eating really spicy foods. Just be gentle in your home care, and it should resolve in about eight days. If not ask your dentist/hygienist if there is anything else you can do.

Other Answers:
try gargling with cooled boiled salty water several times a day
Warm Salt Water rinses will help a lot. Or you could have your dentist prescribe a rinse for you.
Dental Assistant
I had one a few weeks ago and had difficulty eating because of it. I don't recommend this but it's what I did. I took a sewing needle (VERY thin), laid it in alcohol for several minutes, and then used it to puncture it. It was gone the next day. I don't know if the alcohol did any good but I got the relief I needed.
First make sure you are not using a toothpaste that causes ulcers. Many people have an"ulcer" reaction to Colgate Total( there is a chemical in it that you may be sensitive to) Use a simple toothpaste - the old fashioned kind -without chemicals for whitening or plaque control.
Avoid spicy or acidic things - warm salt mouth bathed in your mouth will help ( it tastes bad but it is really good). Take your vitamins - especially calcium, magnesium etc. Milk or cheese will also help you to heal. Good luck!


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